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Initial notes:

Hey guys, I'm seriously thinking about skipping this part, as it's a trivial part, however, it will add more dialogues  between Victoria and Daryl, but I confess that it's a boring part when they kidnapped Glenn :p


Quickly, the walkers were approaching, as their attention was drawn to the chaos that was happening and the screams

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Quickly, the walkers were approaching, as their attention was drawn to the chaos that was happening and the screams.

Daryl moves to my side, pushing the iron gate with his back as I remove the lid from a dumpster. I carry the iron object toward Daryl, who helps me position it in a way that would slow down some of the walkers.

My attention turns to the sound of heavy footsteps, it was Rick.

Daryl pushes the boy who caused the commotion against the wall and raises his fist to punch him square in the face. I approach and pull him by the back, pulling him away from the boy.

My action of holding him back wasn't enough, he was nervous and out of control, which seemed to make him even stronger, compared to me. Rick comes and helps me contain Daryl's anger, who is thrown backwards against the iron gate.

Upon realizing that we were cornered, we all ran to the laboratory.


"What happened there?"  Rick says, circling the room.

"I told you! This idiot and his idiot friends showed up and started attacking me!"   Daryl says, Because of his anger, his voice sounded harsher and angrier than usual.

"It was you who attacked me"  The boy says.

"He wouldn't have attacked if you had shut up" I say, leaning my back against the wall behind me.

"They took Glenn, they might have Merle too" Daryl retorts.

Then the Mexican mocks the name and Daryl once again goes to attack the boy. His attack was unsuccessful, as Rick had held him back.

"Damn, Hold your fucking wave!”  I shout out to the same guy who was trying to attack the Mexican.  My eyebrows were furrowed and without anything new, Daryl returned the same irritated look.

Then he walks away and motions for me to take the black backpack, I do what he asked next.

He starts rooting around inside the fabric compartment, and I just stare at the movement of his hands with my eyebrows furrowed in curiosity and questioning, until my gaze returns to his face.


After the boy confessed a few small things, we headed towards the hermano's  hideout.

That situation was irritating me deeply, I didn't blame Daryl for the outbursts of anger or anything, because I wanted to do the same.

We were walking through the forest, Rick and the boy were in front and me and Daryl were in the back. We hadn't exchanged a single word, until the silence became too deafening for me to bear.

My lips open hesitantly. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" 

He slowly turns his face toward me, his blue eyes almost overwhelming.

"You know what I mean" I said it again.

He huffs silently and turns in the opposite direction.  "You get too involved in things that don't concern you" 

"Is that so? Couldn't I have willingly come to help?" 

"No, you know that"

I let out an ironic laugh while shaking my head.

"It is serious?" 

He doesn't respond, just quickens his pace, but still walks beside me.

"Whatever"  I muttered, turning away from him as well.

Daryl was a complete idiot, and whenever we had these discussions he was like a tantruming baby, never wanting to listen, and always trying to walk away from problems, even if the solution was obvious.


Things with the 'Hermanos' were almost as bad as I thought, obviously they weren't going to hand over Glenn willingly, they still wanted Rick's bag with the weapons.

Rick and I were contemplating how we were going to hand over the weapons or not. And Daryl, unsurprisingly, was always trying to hit the boy.

"What if we don't hand over all the weapons? They wouldn't notice if they had a few less" I whisper to Rick, who rests his hands on his hips as he pays attention to me.

"If they find out, we'll be screwed" He answers.

I shake my head and walk over to Daryl.

"I need to talk to you, if possible, away from the boy" I place a soft hand on the older man's shoulder, who just moves away from my touch and looks at me in a gesture of agreement.

He moves away from the boy and leans against the wall, with his eyes fixed on mine, which made me slightly shy. His penetrating gaze was almost oppressive, and I felt an immense desire to look away.

I take a deep breath, slowly shifting my gaze to the side, and back to his.

"We are not going to hand over the entire bag of weapons, we decided to take some, without leaving a trace"  I say softly, my voice hesitant and cautious.

" 'We' who? You and Rick, right?" He spits in response, his voice hoarse and deep. 

"Would you have said anything different? Or would you act like a ten-year-old throwing a tantrum?"

He snorts and crosses his arms "Fuck you, Victoria" He walks away, bumping his shoulder into mine as he heads back toward the Mexican boy's confrontation.

He looks at me over his shoulder like he wants to kill me, but I don't mind, just the usual Daryl stuff.

Vermelho Escarlate (𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕪𝕝 𝔻𝕚𝕩𝕠𝕟 𝕋𝕎𝔻)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें