the market p3

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Matt's POV

"yes..I do" he just say that?like say that I'm cute?like me?Matt Tholomule?

"Are you okay Matt -?" Gus asked me with a look of concern bringing me back to reality.
"OH Y-YEAH U-UHM IM FINE-!"I say my face flushed at Gus' concern.
"Okay if you say so.."Gus says not believing a thing I say.We walk in silence for a while the sound of chatter and birds around us so I tried to break the silence by asking a question that Gus planted into my head.

"Why do you think I'm cute?I mean I'm not really that great like-"and before I could go on Gus cuts me off
"I dunno why i think your cute I guess it could be your smile or eyes."Gus says kicking a rock hiding his face but I could still see his ears red.
"Oh..Thank you."I say looking down since I'm not used to getting compliments and by Gus?I just knew my ears were red despite me hiding my face until I hear a giggle coming from Gus so I look up at him.
"We are so nervous over giving eachother compliments it's so cheesy.."Gus says in a small laugh
"Yeah it is quite stupid-."I say also laughing at this point.

Slowly the laughter died down and we were back talking as normal and then we saw Steve!
"I'd recognise that motorcycle anywhere-"I say staring at Steve's motorcycle.
"Dude that motorcycle is so cool!You know who owns it?"Gus says marvelling over the motorcycle.
"Yeah it's belongs to my half brother"I say shrugging it off even though it is a cool motorcycle.
"Wait Steve owns that?Like emperor's coven guard?"Gus asks.
"Yeah but he doesn't really agree with the Coven system or sigils  it's just an easy way out for him to be able to use all magic"I say shrugging my shoulders until I saw Steve
"HEY STEVE"I called out.
"HEY MATTS GIVE ME A SEC"Steve replied before walking over
"Soo whatcha doin?"Steve questioned while walking towards us.
"Oh me and Gus were just hanging out walking around while the market is on"I answered
"Is it a da-"Steve was saying before I cut him off.
"No."I bluntly said.
"Alright whatever you sayyy.Anyways your 'friend' has been quiet what's his deal?"Steve asked.
"Damn why do you ask so many questions?He might just not have the chance with all your blabbing"I say while Steve pretends to be offended.
"Do you have a palismen Steve?"Gus asks as Emile peeks out of his shirt neck.
"Yeah but it's a secret one because the emperor takes the palismen when you join"Steve whispers to us.
"Oh..."Gus says with a sad expression.
"Hey it's probably fine Gus don't worry"I say in an attempt to comfort Gus to some degree.
"Yeah-"Gus said
"Anyways I'm gonna dip this just got awkward -"Steve says speed waking over to his motorcycle
"Why don't we just like look at some stuff here we are at the market after all-!"I say to try get Gus' mind off of the fact palismen are literally stolen off of their owners.
"Yeah -!We are bound to like something here "Gus says a bit more enthusiastic now.i smile at him and we get walking,but then I start purposefully walking slightly slower and kick the back of Gus' knees.i laugh as Gus stumbles and falls.I laugh even harder but then go over to him

"Hey man are you okay?"I say holding out my hand to help Gus up but then he pulls me down with him and laughs as I hit the ground.Gus burst out laughing.
"Fair enough"I say laughing and then we both got up.
"D'you wanna head to the park?"I ask pointing my thumb in the general direction of the park.
"Yeah sure why not"Gus replied as we started walking to the park.
"Should we take the short way or the long way?"I asked Gus.
"There's a short way?"Gus replied with a confused tone and expression.
"Yeah dude you wanna take it?"I said thinking it was basic knowledge of people in bonesburrough.
"Yeah sure why not."Gus answered as we began to walk we kept having our normal conversation on the way till we finally reached the park which was almost empty asides from a few teenagers under the slides.
"Tease the swings are free"I say running over to them.
"How come you knew a shortcut?"Gus questioned walking over.
"Oh I just kinda found it I guess I come here alot to just kinda think sometimes "I said
"To think about what?"
"Life stuff"
We fell silent and I couldn't help but think about how I need tell him about me being trans before it is too late and he gets mad I didn't tell him sooner..
No time like the present-!


853 words

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