Ch3 Loading the Dex!

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[Pokemon Move]


(Scene Change or Time skip)

(At the basement of Kukui's home)

Currently professor Kukui was in the basement which was also his lab with Ash and Y/n typing something with his keyboard

Kukui: *snaps finger* Perfect! We're all connected!

As he said that the light above them started to release small electricity as it starts to turn on and off alarming Y/n, Ash, Pikachu, and Rockruff

Kukui: Here it comes

Ash: What's going on?

Kukui: Just watch and you'll see 

Suddenly a Rotom flies out from one of the outlet as it moved all around the room.

Ash: Woah a Rotom!

Kukui: Now we just have to wait for the Rotom to go inside.

Ash: Go inside the PokeDex?

As he said that Rotom stops for a moment and gets inside the PokeDex Ash was holding

Ash: Is Rotom in there?

Suddenly a heart shaped line shows up and the PokeDex activates shocking Ash to the point he accidentally dropped it and the PokeDex started floating up. As he did that he started scanning Ash, Pikachu, and Rockruff

Ash: Hello there Rotom!

RotomDex: Language selection complete

Ash: Woah it talked!

Kukui: Rotom please lend Ash a helping hand from now on ok?

RotomDex: Understood. Ash user registration complete. PokeDex now booting up

A percentage bar shows up and it reaches a hundred

RotomDex: Alola Ash!

Ash: Wow we can even have a conversation?

RotomDex: Of course RotomDex is equipped with many languages

Ash: Awesome!

Y/n: Interesting

RotomDex: Awesome! Does not compute does not compute?

Kukui: Ash was just saying that he is very impressed with your capabilities 

RotomDex: I understand so awesome means excellent and that means that RotomDex is excellent!

Kukui: *chuckle* Believe it or not but I'm professor Kukui a professor with Y/n over there 

Y/n: Hi nice to meet you

Kukui: Oh by the way Y/n you have your own PokeDex right?

Y/n: I can just use my Rotom phone and use the PokeDex feature. Oh by the way Kukui

Kukui: Huh what? 

Y/n: May I be excused from school tomorrow?

Kukui: Umm sure it's fine but may I ask why?

Y/n: Well I'm hopping to have a talk with the island kahuna and learn a bit more of the history of Alola and also to look for a house for me to stay at.

Kukui: Sure I'll inform the principle about this.

(The next morning)

Y/n was riding around the hills riding on a strange looking pokemon while looking at his phone

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