The Avengers Meet Spider Baby (2/3)

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{Warning: There's a described sensory overload but I'm unsure if it's very described or not(I get sensory overload stuff so unfortunately, I may have described part of my own experience). It happens in the last section.

Group Chat Names for that Section(All Tony's Doing):

Petro(Quickie), Scott(ANTS!), Thor(PointBreak), Loki(MischiefGod), Wanda(RobotLover), T'challa(KittyKitty), Rhodey(HoneyBear), Carol(SpaceFace), Stephen(YerASorcerer), Bruce(AngryGreenGiant), Clint(Merida) }

The morning of Day Two, after the Spider-Baby Protocol was developed and activated, was stressful for Dad.

Pepper-mom— Peter was still trying to figure out what made more sense to call her —had an early meeting so Dad was left getting two kids ready for the day, even with the grumbling Peter did, since Peter "needed to keep a routine" or something.

First challenge was getting them up which wasn't too difficult, despite Peter's clear dislike for mornings at the moment.

Morgan was sleepy from staying up past her bedtime, but got out of bed without much of a fuss while Peter was a lot more fussy about being woken up until Tony promised to make a delicious breakfast— to the best of his abilities —and bring him down to the lab to see DUM-E. It went against the protocol, but it worked.

The second challenge was to get them both changed which proved to be a bit more difficult than expected.

Now, Morgan was a bit easier to get dressed since she could dress herself with little trouble, only ever needing help with her shoelaces— Dad and Pepper-mom were working on that —or belts. Dad only had to pull out some clothes, of her choosing, to wear and she could pull them on easily.

Peter, however, had to be helped into new clothes after he managed to remove his pajamas on his own. He did try to get dressed by himself, but he managed to get the t-shirt. Honestly, the fastest part of the whole process was probably when Dad let him choose his clothes with how quickly he chose the science pun shirt and Avengers pants with matching socks.

Getting them both fed before Morgan had to go to school was the third challenge, but that was easily solved by making a bunch of scrambled eggs and bacon with some fruit. He liked the blueberries the best, even if Dad made faces at him eating them mixed with his eggs.

It was much easier from there despite how much Peter needed to eat (he couldn't help laughing at Dad grumbling about how lucky he was to be rich to feed all the super appetites around him). All Dad had to do was make sure Morgan's homework and lunch was packed in her bag and her shoes tied by the time it was ready for her to leave for school...which led to a new problem.

"Alright." Dad clapped his hands once he finished tying Morgan's shoes. "Now we just have to get down to the garage and-"

"Her school is over twenty minutes away in one direction, boss. You can't leave Peter alone in the penthouse.", FRIDAY chimed in, pulling up a map of their usual route.

"Crap. You're right. I can't, but Happy isn't on drop-off duty today, and Pep is busy with a meeting."

"May I suggest bringing him with you or leaving him with someone you trust for the time being?"

Peter's eyes widened at the last option. There was no way he was being left alone with someone who wasn't Dad while Pepper-mom is busy so he couldn't help but blurt out, "Bwing me with you!"

"Are you sure, Bambino? It'll probably be fifty minutes in a car and you can't bring your pacifier with you.", Dad said, trying to reason with him but Peter could see his eyes flicking to the clock.

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