32. Sun Fuyu's birthday

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A few days later, it was Sun Fuyu’s birthday.

Sun Fuyu felt a little weird. He hadn’t celebrated in a long time. 19...if he had stayed in the mortal towns, then at this age, had he been any other child, he might even be married.

That was, if his parents would even deign to find a matchmaker to look for a proper match for him. Sun Fuyu’s thoughts darkened as he recalled what his parents had wanted to do to him.

These dark thoughts floated away as Sun Fuyu moved through his morning sword practice, a habit that he had maintained from his outer sect days. However, new thoughts emerged during the times when he was supposed to be focusing on the new cultivation manuals Senior Cultivator Liu Zhongmin had given him.

I can’t remember the last time I celebrated my birthday.

Wen-ge wants to celebrate my birthday. He wants to go to that restaurant.

I don’t want to see my father… But would he even recognise me?

I’m a cultivator now!

Wen-ge is more important than my so-called father!

But despite that last affirmation, Sun Fuyu’s thoughts would spin back out to the beginning again. In the end, he put down the jade slip with the manual in frustration and took out the  smooth jade that Wen-ge had given him. Breathing in the measured way the Wen-ge did, Sun Fuyu let the feeling of Wen-ge’s qi calm him.

In the evening, Sun Fuyu dressed in a clean set of golden robes and waited outside the Banquet Hall. Not long later, Wen Zhihao appeared, coming from the direction of the kitchens. Sun Fuyu’s nervousness spiked.

“Xiao Yu!” Wen Zhihao called out. “Come here.”

Sun Fuyu quickly walked to Wen Zhihao’s side. “Hello, Wen-ge.”

“Did you have a good day?”


Sun Fuyu was a little confused when Wen Zhihao ushered him down the pathway to the kitchens, rather than taking out their swords to fly to town.

“We’re not going to that restaurant today,” Wen Zhihao said with a mysterious smile.

“Your birthday should be happy. Now close your eyes and don’t try to detect things using your qi for a moment, okay?”

Sun Fuyu swallowed. “Okay.” He obediently closed his eyes, pulling his qi close.

“Stay calm.” Wen Zhihao took Sun Fuyu’s hand. “You know this pathway well.”

Step, step step. Even though he had pulled his qi back, Sun Fuyu could still hear the sound of many people breathing. Nervousness constricted Sun Fuyu’s chest.

“You can open your eyes now.”

Sun Fuyu opened his eyes.

“Happy birthday!!”

“Happy birthday!”

“Happy Birthday, Cultivator Sun!”

The loud cheers and the surroundings made Sun Fuyu’s eyes widen. Beside him, Wen-ge gave him a big smile.

Warmth flooded Sun Fuyu’s heart.

There were all the kitchen and farming aunties and uncles with who he was familiar. A huge red banner hung on the outside wall, announcing Happy Birthday Cultivator Sun Fuyu. Floating lights and red lanterns made it as vibrant as the New Year.

Aunty Liu Jing walked out of the crowd, carrying an unusually large cake that was decorated with colourful fruit.

“Happy birthday, Xiao Sun,” she said with a big smile. “According to Xiao Wen, you are supposed to cut this cake, and if the knife touches the bottom, you must kiss the closest person.”

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