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"Last question: Do you think Garv is involved in this ? He did in order to take revenge for what your dad did with him? " I asked to know her perception as well.

"Maybe he can," She said and we informed she could leave. Next was Nishant Shergill who entered the room.

"Good morning sir. Good morning ma'am" He greeted us and sat down on the chair. Trying to act sweet but I can sense he is sugarcoating his words.

"Avu, he never leaves a chance to bring Garv cutie down"Arisa whispered into my right ear. This is how she addresses Garv cutie as she is a crazy fan of him. Still I can't process how she stayed calm whenever we met him.

"Mr. Shergill, we got to know about the rivalry between you both. We also got to know you joined Mr. Chowdhury during the argument that night during the party " I asked, while I tried observing his words and body gestures.

"Only during that party? Let me correct it for you -Garv needs one reason to make it a drama in front of everyone. I mean half of the industry is against him and the reason is his constant argument with them. He can't shut his mouth and keeps blabbering. I mean I know he is an established singer but this attitude of his won't fetch him anything. I don't know why people are crazy over him" He smirked.

"Okay and what's your reason that you both keep arguing? We got some footage from a few parties where we can clearly see you being the one initiating the verbal fight " I put the question in front of him waiting for him to answer.

"Oh Really. I mean you should also see him being the reason. He has secretly planned with top music directors so they choose him over me. He has bribed them" He raised his voice.

"Mr. Shergill you aren't supposed to talk with us in this manner. Lower your voice, '' Mayank Sir ordered .

"Sorry but it's Garv who has actually killed him. There have been many times when he warned him that he won't leave him. He will make him pay for his deeds but I wasn't surprised to see him that night in the room. Garv isn't what he seems to be "

The device was recording his voice while the duration was displayed on the screen.

I know he can't do this but we are obliged to do the investigation. I assured him to prove him innocent but I can't find myself successful in finding a single evidence to support him.

He answered all our questions and left. Next it was Hriday,his manager as he was present with him . He sat on the chair and Arisa began questioning.

"When did you start working for Garv Singh Chauhan? "

"Around two years back "

"How did you find this job? "

"I am connected to an agency where they provide managers to various celebrities. I submitted my resume and Garv Sir called me saying he has selected me as his manager. He didn't ask many questions and it has been two years since I started working for him"He answered calmly.

"Have you ever felt he is egoistic? One who takes pride in being a successful person " Mayank Sir enquired, looking at him. Hriday took a breath and started speaking again

"Not at all. Garv sir is so humble.He can never be someone who can be egoistic or one who believes himself as the superior. He is a kind hearted person. Don't tell me Nishant informed you all this. Actually Nishant is the one who begins every argument with him. Everytime , we leave for an event to attend we make a mutual pact stating that we won't get into any sort of argument unless and until the limit is crossed. "

"Why are Nishant and Garv not on good terms?Any specific reason? " I questioned further.

"Nishant is like a coin who can't stay calm . He had nothing and just because his few songs started trending from the past year and got followers on social media he thinks no one is like him. Everytime he plays a victim card saying that he has just 4.7m followers and Garv Sir has more than 16 millions. He is jealous. I can assure you and I can write on a stamp paper that Garv sir won't do this. " The confidence and faith was clearly visible in his words.

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