Clemensia hadn't helped Coriolanus with the paper the littlest bit. Neither did Caroline, which confused her as to the reason she was there. Coriolanus and Clemensia were supposed to be partners, so what was Caroline doing there?

Dr. Gaul recognized their presence and called out to them, "Mr. Snow, Ms. Dovecote, Ms. Ellis. Come and see my new babies."

In a moment of hesitation, the trio exchanged glances before cautiously advancing to follow the woman. Ascending a staircase with dark steps, they arrived at a platform where a large jar showcased an array of beautifully colored snakes.

"Is there a point to the color?" Clemensia questioned.

"There's a point to everything, Ms. Dovecote, or to nothing at all." Dr. Gaul explained. Caroline grew concerned as she sensed the older woman's hostility.

Dr. Gaul continued, "Which brings me neatly to your proposal. Which one of you actually wrote it?"

Coriolanus started before being interrupted, "Well, there was―"

"I was inspired by Coriolanus yesterday, of course. His little betting idea. But the sponsorships and the gifts in the arena, those were all mine." Clemensia says triumphantly.

"Clemmie?" Coriolanus whispered.

"So it's your sweaty handwriting on that page. Very impressive, Ms. Dovecote. Unfortunately, my assistant mistook it for trash this morning and lined the shelf of this very terrarium with it. So, please, Ms. Dovecote, retrieve it for us, won't you? So we might all consider your inspired ideas. Don't worry, my little predators are perfectly docile with those they can trust. So if they're used to your scent, if you've handled their food, for example, or if they've inhaled the sweat of your palm on a page, they'll leave you alone. A new scent, however..." She sighed, "you'd be on your own, little girl. Retrieve it."

Clemensia shuddered as she listened. Coriolanus watched the girl's expression closely, noticing she was preparing to retrieve the document.

"Clemmie.." He mumbled.

Clemensia reached for the paper. As soon as the tips of her fingertips reached low enough, a snake bit her on the hand. She shrieked as she fell back and off of the platform onto the floor.

Caroline's astonishment was evident as her mouth hung open in disbelief, while Coriolanus called out the name of the now unconscious girl.

"You asked about the colors, Ms. Dovecote? I want my enemies to see a rainbow of destruction engulfing the world. I'm not above using spectacle to create a little terror. A strategy your classmate here articulated very well in his proposal. They're good, you two's suggestions. I'm going to recommend my team implement as many as possible tomorrow."

"What?" Caroline's voice faltered in shock.

"Will she die?" Coriolanus asked.

"The pleasure in breaking ground in one's research is one gets to find out. You two better keep Ms. Dovecote's fate between us. I don't think her mother would be happy to learn how she caught this sudden... flu."

"I-I, um— If you don't mind me asking, why am I here?" Caroline inquired softly, her fear palpable in the presence of the woman.

"You and Coriolanus should have been working together from the start. You two are the smartest in your class, and you both have tributes from the same district. Perfect."

Coriolanus' eyebrows furrowed, "Wha―What are you saying?"

"I want you two working together on improving the games. This proposal uses some of Miss Ellis' ideas, which automatically includes her in the pitch." Dr. Gaul explained, referring to the document sitting in the snake cage.

"Coriolanus and I don't work well together. We work better against one another."

"Why, I suppose you two should work that out, then. You worked well quite nicely together yesterday."


"Thank you, Dr. Gaul." Coriolanus thanked, interrupting the girl. "We will work on that, now."

She nodded. "Very well. Now run along, you have an arena to promote and it's time for my milk and crackers."

Caroline and Coriolanus found themselves escorted out of the building by the Peacekeepers. The girl remained silent, determined not to disclose the overwhelming sense of fear and distress that gripped her. In just two days, she had witnessed two individuals sustain life-threatening injuries.

"Are you okay? I know you don't do well with these kind of things." Coriolanus spoke up once they were out of the vicinity.

Caroline ignored the tone of sincerity that laced his comment. If she acknowledged it, she'd be back entwined in his vines of love.

"Care?" He whispered softly, not wanting to startle her in case she was in her thoughts.

"I'm fine." She mumbled.

He reached for her hand, causing her to face him, "Caroline.."

She already knew where this was going. "Not now, Coriolanus."

"When are you going to stop being mad at me?" He exclaimed.

"No," she shook her head. "You will not bring me back into your trap."

"I'm sorry, okay? I get it. I can apologize a million times and nothing will ever make up for what I did. I can't― I can't act like I hate you anymore. I've been doing it because you have been but I won't pretend anymore. I miss you, Care."

Caroline found herself ensnared like a moth to a flame, an irresistible force pulling her in. A gravitational tug urged her deeper into his vines.

Despite the desire to escape and extricate herself from this entanglement, it was already too late. Just as he had done before, he had captured her once again.

"I missed you too, Coryo."


dee speaks !
damn it caroline
whatever happened
to standing on
business girl

𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃 ⎯⎯⎯⎯  CORIOLANUS SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now