Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry for not uploading the parts
I was busy/sick and I didn't have idea

Here you go

Lay's pov:

Days have been passing and my love for Kye started to grow even when he rejected me

I guess I have to get to know his type

But after that embarrassing conversation
I don't think I can do this


I sayed while looking in the mirror

"I wonder why he doesn't like me back*

I think I'll give him some space, maybe he will call or text me

*Days have been passing one by one and Kye still didn't text or call Lay*

Kye's pov:

The last time we met was weird

I don't know why he suddenly left

It was very weird I won't complain

I shouldn't care

"Why do I even care?"

"Do I even care?"

*Days have been passing again now it was 2 weeks since they last met*

Kye's pov:

I think I'll text him

"But why the fuck I want to text him"

"I don't understand what's happening to me"




"It looks like I care about him."




"Why do I feel this way?"



*Days again were passing one by one, but Kye started to feel something for Lay.... Was this love?*

Lay's pov:

I think he doesn't care about me.

He didn't even wrote a single message

"But I want to text him so bad.."


Kye's pov:

"Fuck this I don't care I'm going to text him."

              *Pretend it's messenger*


Kye: Hi

Lay: Oh hi.

Kye: Why didn't you write anything?

Lay: I was busy, what about you why didn't you write anything?

Kye: I was sick

*He was lying ok-*

Lay: Oh ok

Kye: Would you like to go anywhere?

Lay: When and where?

Kye: It's up to you

Lay: So what about tommorow at 4 p.m
In the park?

Kye: Ok sure.

Lay: Bye see you then!

Kye: Yeah bye.

*Tommorow 4 p.m at park*

*Lay was waiting for Kye on grass*

*After 5 minutes he came here*


Kye: Sorry for being late..

Lay: It's okay

*They were talking untill it was getting dark*

Kye: Do you want to stay there and watch the sunset or go home?

Lay: We can stay there and watch the sunset..


*When the sun set down, it was pretty dark and the moon was shining*

*Kye reached out for Lay's hands and held them gently*


To be continued.....


Thanks for reading!
I'm sorry this is short
It's almost midnight
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Only Once a Life - Kye x LayKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat