Shadows of the Soul

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A/N: Inspired by JustAnotherWriter140's amazing TiPo stories on Ao3.
Read them here:
Takes place between Kung-Fu Panda 2 and Kung-Fu Panda 3. Enjoy!

In the heart of the Valley of Peace, where bamboo whispered ancient tales and the aura of martial arts permeated the air, Tigress, the formidable and powerful kung fu master, found herself entangled in the shadows of her own emotions. Amidst the serene backdrop, an unexpected dance of despair unfolded, entangling her with Po, the Dragon Warrior, who grappled with a crisis of identity that threatened to shatter the very foundation of their friendship.

Tigress, usually the embodiment of strength and precision, had been harbouring a secret. A clandestine affair with the shadows of her heart. Po, her best friend and fellow warrior, was blissfully unaware of the tempest brewing within her. The routine training sessions and shared moments of camaraderie became a poignant backdrop to Tigress's internal struggle.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Tigress found herself standing on the palace terrace, the air heavy with the scent of blooming flowers. Po, blissfully ignorant of the turmoil within his friend, joined her with his usual enthusiasm.

"Hey, Tigress! Isn't this view amazing? The valley, the sunset... it's like a painting," Po exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with genuine delight.

Tigress, her gaze distant, nodded absentmindedly. "Yes, Po. It's beautiful."

Unbeknownst to Po, Tigress's heart carried a weight that threatened to pull her into the abyss of her own emotions. She had been wrestling with a truth she dared not speak aloud. A truth that involved her growing affection for Po, a sentiment that felt like a betrayal to the disciplined warrior within her.

As days turned into weeks, Tigress's internal struggle intensified. She found herself caught in the crossfire of her conflicting emotions. Her commitment to the path of kung fu conflicted with the burgeoning feelings she harboured for Po. The shadows of her soul grew darker, casting a pall over her once unwavering spirit.

One day, after an intense training session, Tigress found solace in the tranquillity of the palace courtyard. Po, sensing Tigress's inner turmoil, approached her with a concerned expression.

"Tigress, you've been acting strange lately. Is something bothering you?" Po asked, his eyes filled with genuine worry.

Tigress, torn between the desire to confide in her friend and the fear of exposing her vulnerability, hesitated. "It's nothing, Po. Just... the weight of training and responsibilities."

Po, ever perceptive, studied Tigress's expression. "Tigress, we're friends. You can tell me anything. We've faced powerful foes together. This shouldn't be any different."

The words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the bond they shared. Tigress, her stoic façade momentarily faltering, looked into Po's eyes and whispered, "It's more complicated than that, Po. There are shadows within me, shadows I can't escape."

Po, sensing the gravity of Tigress's words, offered a reassuring smile. "Whatever it is, Tigress, we'll face it together. You don't have to carry the burden alone."

Little did Po know that Tigress's shadows were not only confined to the struggles within her own heart. Unbeknownst to both warriors, Po himself grappled with a crisis. One that had shaken the core of his identity.

Shadows of the Soul (Post KFP2 - A short TiPo story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon