Rescue Mission (12)

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The group set sale to the southern water tribe in Varrick's battleship. Inside one of the cabin's Kya is attempting to keep Y/n's energy flowing through healing in the bathtub.

"How did we end up like this? I promise your mom I would protect you..." Kya stops waterbending staring back at Y/n's body in the bathtub as a few tears formed in her eyes.

Jinora places her hand onto her aunt shoulder.

"You're doing your best Aunt Kya. Y/n is strong. She'll hold on longer." Kya smiles at her niece pulling her into an embrace.

"Will get her back..."

The rest of the group were out in the deck. Bumi sits on the top deck playing a flute while Oogi sat next to him.

Korra is practicing her bending with a practice target, with Tenzin and Mako watching. Bolin approaches his brother wearing a purple coat while eating a pie.

"What's up with the coat? And where did you get that pie?"

"It's a Varrick ship, you never know what you're gonna find. There's a whole level filled with fun-house mirrors. Of course, there's also the catgator deck."

Bolin briefly turns around showing his coat with a large hole in it. 

"I miss that guy, he really knew how to make a long trip interesting. So, have you told Korra yet about how you guys broke up, and you kinda started dating Asami while she was off getting attacked by dark spirits?"

Mako tries to hush his brother. "Will you keep it down? I'm waiting for the right moment."

"Oh Mako, you know a wise man once told me that delivering bad news to a girlfriend was like ripping off a blood-sucking leech: you just have to do it fast and get it over with." He places his hand onto his brother's shoulder.

"I hate it when you listen to me. Fine!"

Tenzin stands at the end of the dock "Unalaq will be waiting for you. You'll need all of your Avatar power to stop him."

"I'm going to close the spirit portals, lock Vaatu in for another ten thousand years, and make Unalaq wish he'd never been born!"

Korra uses her fire bending to blast the head off the practice target.

The head lands in front of Mako's feet as he was worried.

Korra approaches him as he hands her the doll's head.

"Thanks, Mako."

"Uh ... Um ...Korra." Korra was about to walk off as he opens his mouth trying to find his words. She looks over her shoulder "Did you want something?"

"Uh no, no, nothing."

Bolin slides into view with a large smile on his face. Mako groans in response. Tenzin and Korra look out at the sea.

"As soon as we reach the Southern Water Tribe, we'll blast through the blockade at the main portal. "

Kya walks out to the upper deck."Then we can rendezvous with Tonraq and his troops, crash through the defenses around the portal, and enter the Spirit World."

"Woah! Since when does my little brother wanna crash or blast through anything?" Kya crossed her arms in surprised by her younger brother's action.

"I'll do whatever it takes to save my niece."

Bumi approaches the group "We all want to save Y/n, but I think your plan might be a tad over-aggressive, seeing as there are only seven of us and one ship."

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