"And then I forgot who I was, and then I met the first Avatar, and then I realized I shouldn't have opened the portal in the first place, and now I need to close it again!"

Wow, that's a lot of information to take in.

"I knew this would happen."


Korra and Tenzin are meditating in a field. Meelo is ringing a bell, while Ikki is playing a horn by air bending, producing a low droning sound.

Korra opens her right eye and peers at Tenzin; whispering. "Are you in the Spirit World?"

Uncle Tenzin left eye opening. "I would be if Meelo could ring his bell at the appropriate intervals."

"Aww, did I do it wrong?"

Uncle Tenzin stands up and sighs in exasperation. "Let's try something else."

"I thought your bell ringing was just fine."

"Thanks!" He continuously rings the bell. As we move to different locations up in the mountainside as Air nomads face is carved on.

Tenzin and Korra are once again meditating, now surrounded by burning incense sticks attached to talismans with the air bending symbol that Aunt Kya placed there.

She passes a few for me to light up as Uncle Tenzin opens his eyes and looks left, then right. Coughs from the approaching smoke.

"Kya, this is too much smoke. You set it up wrong. This isn't going to work."

Kya holding two lit incense sticks. "I'm sorry. I did what you told me."

"Well, the moment's ruined."

Aunt Kya scowls as I notice multiple dragonfly bunny spirits circling around Korra.

Jinora nudge on my hand pointing at Korra. "You see this too right?"

"We could have tried a little longer. "

The spirits fly off into the wilderness. The green-colored spirit looks back before flying off, as it is gesturing for us.

Running over to the cliffside. "Come back, Furry-Foot."

"Hey, Jinora, Y/n what are you chasing?"

We glance at each other "Nothing."


Tenzin and Korra are meditating beneath a statue of Avatar Yangchen.

"Focus, Korra. Focus."

"I am focusing."

"No talking. Feel the energy of the universe."

"Okay, I feel it."

"Korra, really! I'm trying to concentrate here! I don't think this location is going to work either."

"What's going on with you? First, you're blaming Meelo, then Kya, and now me." Korra stands up trying to get an answer from him.

"Well, nothing is feeling right to me."

"I don't want to rush your feelings, but we're kind of in a hurry. How did you first get into the Spirit World? Let's try that."

"Well ... actually, I've never been into the Spirit World." Uncle Tenzin confessed to us.

Korra is shocked by the revelation, while Tenzin's family members peer into the temple from the outside.

"You've never been into the Spirit World?"

//Spirits// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {2}Where stories live. Discover now