Chapter 1

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Two months had passed since the last case that detective Samuel Araneda had had. He had enough money to live for two months without working, but he was a restless man who, besides being a detective, was also a welder and lathe operator. He went to the garage of his house to see if all his tools were there and also to see if he had welding material. As a detective, he had solved about one hundred and ten cases and was waiting for the next one. Once he solved a case in just one month. There were pieces of angle on the floor. Samuel grabbed the grinder, to change the disc, and just then his cell phone rang, which he had tucked in his pocket.

-Hello, yes. Who is it?

-Hello detective, it's Marcos. Are you still doing welding work?

-Yes. I'm still doing welding work.

-A few months ago, you did a welding job for me, remember?

-Yes, I remember I did a welding job for you a few months ago. But I don't remember if it was a gate or a basket.

-It was a basket.

-Oh yes, now I remember. You know that now I need you to make me some bars for two windows. Can you do it?

-Yes, I can. Because, now I'm free from my work as a detective.

-Okay. So, if it's okay with you, I'll pick you up this week, so we can go buy the materials.

-Yes. -No problem, come by in the afternoon.

He went outside, just to get some air. When suddenly, he heard his neighbor shouting.

-I'm going to kill you, kid.

Samuel approached his neighbor's house and saw the boy running all over the yard. His father was chasing him with a belt in his hands.

-That's not the way to solve problems.

-Who are you to tell me what to do?

-A neighbor who doesn't like violence.

When the boy's father tried to hit him. Samuel took him by the arm.

-It's okay, you don't like trouble.

-What you have to do is just talk to him.

-Maybe you're right.

-Of course I am.

The neighbor called his son and apologized. Araneda saw the scene and went home with a smile on his face.

It was already, seven o'clock in the morning in another half hour, Kevin had to go into the school. He grabbed his keys, which were on the table. He went to the garage and pulled the car out. He was in a hurry, he wanted to be on time. He got in the car and turned on the radio, drove for about ten minutes and changed the dial. Suddenly, a black van crossed his path. He was only distracted for a few seconds. The collision was minimal, but unavoidable. Luckily, neither of us suffered serious injuries, since we were both wearing seat belts. At least I didn't wreck my dad's car, Kevin thought for a moment. The man got out in a rage and Kevin didn't want to show any kind of anger. They talked for a few minutes. After that, they went their separate ways. Kevin kept on driving and forgot about the situation so as not to think. The crash made him late for school.

When he got to school, he thought about what explanation to give his father when he got home, that was going to be a problem. He told his classmates about the mishap he had had.

-I had car trouble.

-What happened, did you crash?

-Yes, I crashed my dad's car a little bit.

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