Chapter 39: Jimin

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Jimin entered the dining room, where the rest of Madeline's family were sat. His eyes immediately landed on her mom—Larisa Jones. Her dark orbs surveyed each of them, coldly. He felt a shiver course down his spine when she assessed him.

"Hey guys," Madeline's father addressed them in a friendly manner. "Unfortunately dinner isn't quite ready yet. In the meantime, can I interest you in any drinks?"

"Sure," Namjoon took the lead.

Jin and Yoongi both offered to help her dad make the drinks. The rest of them sat down at the table. To Jimin's relief, Madeline sat next to him. She interlaced her fingers with his again and squeezed his hand to assure him she wasn't going anywhere.

"So, you guys have been in America for a while? How are you finding it?" Creed asked them, wanting to erase the awkwardness.

"We like America," Taehyung answered, smiling at him.

"Do you plan to stay in America permanently?" The voice came from Jimin's left. He had never heard her speak before so he wasn't startled by her rough, icy voice. Jimin was terrified to look at her. Instead, he glanced at his brothers, finding solace in the fact they were just as terrified as him.

"Mom," Madeline mumbled, warning her.

"Madeline, have any of you thought about that? Where will you be living? What if something goes wrong?" Her mother continued to fire questions at them, her eyes ablaze with determination.

"Lar—" Madeline's stepmom tried to intervene but received a sharp look from Larisa.

Madeline ducked her head, her shoulders trembling. Jimin shifted closer to her and tightened his hold on her.

It was at that moment, Jin and Yoongi entered the room with Madeline's father. They faltered as they took in the tense atmosphere.

"What's going on?" Oliver Smith queried, placing the tray of drinks onto the table.

Jin leaned down to ask the same question to Namjoon. Quietly, he recited what had been said to Jin and Yoongi.

That was when, to everyone's surprise, Yoongi and Jin spoke up.

"Miss Jones," Jin began, his voice calm and collected. "We're sorry if our existence annoys you. We're sorry you can't be happy for Madeline. We might not know each other well but we care for Madeline."

"Yes," Yoongi joined in. "And whilst we're still getting to know each other, we can assure you that will not change. As for the future, we haven't spoken about it yet. We won't let distance stop our relationship."

Jimin could hear Madeline suck in a nervous breath. He gazed at her; deciphered the emotions that swirled in her orbs.

The one that stood out to him was pride. She was proud of them for speaking up.

Madeline squared her shoulders and sat up straighter. Her grip on Jimin's hand was so tight, that she could have squeezed the blood out of her hand. "Mom." She snapped her head to her left. "Please can you try and accept my soul mates."

Jimin noticed Larisa's face twist at the word soul mates. She pinched her lips and stiffened. "You know where I stand, Madeline. This whole idea is far-fetched. Do you really think gathering all of us together will get me to change my mind?"

Madeline remained fierce, refusing to back down. Jimin was beyond proud of his soul mate—who was slowly growing into a beautiful woman.

"I hoped it would," She cleared her throat, rounding her eyes around the table. Her brothers all had supportive expressions on their faces, prepared to jump in if they needed to. June and Oliver Smith appeared proud of her. "But I'm starting to realize that your stance on it will never change. It's too hard for you and I—I can accept it. But what I can't accept is you planting negative ideas in my head. I'm an adult and this is my decision."

Madeline inhaled, needing a moment to articulate her next thoughts. "Ever since I met them, they've always said the same things to me. They want me. They're not going anywhere. I am it for them. Up until recently, the only promises I've been able to make in return are 'I'm going to try'. They deserve my full devotion. And so, that's why I asked all of you here."

Jimin stared at the side of Madeline's face, curious to see where she was going with this. It was clear she had been thinking about this for a while.

"I've fully accepted them and I want to pursue our relationship. So," She cleared her throat. Jimin felt their joined hands tremble. She was shaking from nerves. Why hadn't she told us this in advance? Is she going to surprise us? "That's why, once I graduate from college, I'm going to move to Korea."

Stunned silence.

In the silence, you could hear a pin drop.

Jimin's heart was pounding in his chest, his mind wondering if he had made up her words. He darted his eyes up to Jungkook who was opposite him. His bunny face probably mirrored his own face.

"W—what?" Larisa's usual, placid face morphed into shock and alarm. It was the first time Jimin had seen real, authentic emotions on her face. And then, Jimin knew that he had heard right. Madeline had declared she was going to move to Seoul after school. She was going to move for them.

His love for her soared to new heights.

"You heard me, mom. I'm going to follow my heart. I want to be with them." She repeated, her voice firmer this time. She had already decided.

"Mads," Oliver Smith called his daughter, affectionately. "You know I will always support you. If this is what you want to do, then I will back you. Even if it means I will miss you tremendously."

Her eyes shone with unshed tears, "Thanks, dad."

"Are you sure?" Jimin leaned in to whisper into her ear. He was beyond overjoyed but needed to be certain.

Madeline shifted her head to face him. "I am. I've thought about this for a while. I don't want to lose you guys. I'm sorry it took me a while to realize this."

"Thank you," Jimin murmured, sincerely. He knew she would understand how much that meant to him.

"So, I'd rather not leave with you hating this. Please find it in your heart to accept them—us." Madeline returned her attention to her mom, holding eye contact.

Everyone waited with bated breath to hear Larisa's reply. 

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