Chapter 3: The Demon King of Songs, Tot Musica!

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"Where is Uta!" Shanks yelled as the demon dissipated after his attack landed, looking around frantically.

"Right there in the sky!" Yasopp yelled, and Shanks looked up seeing Uta slowly fall to the ground which he leaped up and caught her before she hit the ground.

Shanks was holding Uta in his arms, as she slept. Gordon walked over holding his bandaged side, looking down at Uta.

"Tot Musica was defeated, thanks to you guys and Uta falling asleep." Gordon said, he then looked around. "But it seems I am the only survivor of Elegia..." His expression saddened.

Shanks looked up at Gordon "I apologize for not telling you she ate the Sing-Sing fruit, maybe this could have been prevented if I said something..." Shanks said looking down at Uta again.

Gordon looked down at Uta, she wasnt at fault for this. He was, he should have told Shanks about Tot Musica, he shouldnt have let the citizens play Uta singing around the whole island. It was all his fault he felt, he then looked at Shanks who was looking at him.

"Tell me about this Tot Musica, you said this was the second time it had appeared and could only be summoned by a Sing-Sing fruit user." Shanks said, looking at Gordon with a serious expression.

Gordon sighed. "Remember when I told you about the woman that became the first Queen of Elegia? Like I said, she ate the Sing-Sing fruit as well and brought a new life to music in Elegia. This all occurred nine hundred years ago, in what the world calls the Blank century, we know only are islands history during that time though."

Shanks nodded, remembering the history Gordon shared with Uta and him. But this happened in the 100 years of history that no one knew about, except for Roger and the crew that made it to Laughtale surprised Shanks and intrigued him even more.

"But I said a tragic event occurred and, in the end, she ended her life." Gordon said, "What happened was her best friend died, right in front of her eyes by an assassin who was about to kill her."

Shanks listened closely, trying to learn everything he could about the history of Elegia. Gordon then continued.

"She was filled with grief and anger at the death of her friend, and through all those emotions she summoned the Demon King of Songs somehow." Gordon explained, "The whole island was ravaged and destroyed, but a man arrived on the Island and ended up defeating Tot Musica saving the few dozen citizens that were still alive. When Tot Musica was defeated, music sheets appeared where it dissipated."

Shanks wondered who this man was, if he defeated Tot Musica on his own, he must have been very impressive. Shanks then thought for a moment, and realized this person very well could be Joyboy.

"When the queen recovered, she ended up taking her life right when she found out about what she had done out of regret and grief." Gordon said.

"What was this man's name?" Shanks asked, looking at Gordon.

"That I'm afraid was lost in time, I dont know nor did any of the Kings and Queens before me." Gordon said.

Shanks then got up and walked towards the castle carrying Uta. The castle wasnt too destroyed due to being farther up the mountain above the town. Gordon stayed, looking around at the destroyed Island which was still burning.


Eventually Shanks returned, without Uta and the crew seemed to be preparing to leave.

Shanks looked at Gordon "Could you do me a favor, and not tell Uta about what she has done? I dont want her to think it's her fault." Shanks said.

"You're going to leave Uta here?" Gordon asked.

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