The vibrant energy of laughter slowly settled into a comfortable silence. Alexia's eyes, reflecting a mixture of playfulness and sincerity, met Hermione's gaze. In that quiet moment, a soft and almost shy whisper escaped Alexia's lips.

"Can I kiss you?"

Hermione, her heart fluttering with anticipation, nodded in response. The world seemed to pause as Alexia leaned in, closing the remaining distance between them. Their lips met in a gentle, tender kiss—a sweet exchange of emotions and unspoken feelings.

It was a kiss that spoke of understanding, of overcoming misunderstandings, and of the connection that had blossomed between them. The air around them held a sense of magic as if the enchantment of the wizarding world was blessing this moment of genuine affection.

As they pulled away, their eyes locked once more, sharing a silent conversation that spoke volumes. The lingering smiles on their faces revealed the promise of more shared moments and the budding romance that had found its way into their hearts.


The trio of friends—Ron, Harry, and Alexia—shared a hearty laugh as they observed the scene unfolding in the distance. Daphne appeared visibly bored, wearing an expression of mild indifference, while Hermione animatedly gestured and spoke with passion about S.P.E.W. Her hands moved with enthusiasm, painting vivid pictures of house-elf liberation.

Ron couldn't help but chuckle, exchanging amused glances with Harry and Alexia. They found it amusing how Hermione could dive so deeply into her causes, even when her audience didn't seem as enthralled. Alexia, in particular, couldn't suppress a grin as she watched the dynamic between Hermione and Daphne.

"Looks like Hermione's on another S.P.E.W. rant," Ron remarked, shaking his head in amusement.

Harry chuckled, "At least she's got Daphne as her captive audience this time."

Alexia added with a playful smirk, "I guess Daphne's paying her dues for joining S.P.E.W."

As they continued to share light-hearted banter, the bonds of friendship between them felt stronger than ever. The everyday moments of laughter and shared amusement were the threads that wove their connection into something enduring.

The ambience of the Great Hall enveloped Alexia as she immersed herself in the ancient-looking book that Dumbledore had entrusted to her. The weight of its secrets seemed to echo in the hallowed space. As she delved into its pages, the flickering flames in the fireplace cast dancing shadows, creating an atmosphere of mystery.

Ron and Harry, ever curious and aware of the recent events in the Forbidden Forest, approached Alexia with inquisitive glances. The anticipation hung in the air as they couldn't help but wonder if she had uncovered any revelations.

"So, Alexia," Ron ventured, his curiosity bubbling to the surface, "have you found anything interesting in that book Dumbledore gave you?"

Harry, too, leaned in, his gaze fixed on the worn pages. "Yeah, anything about what happened in the forest?"

Alexia looked up from the book, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concentration and intrigue. "Not about the forest, but I did find something fascinating," she replied, her tone measured.

The two friends leaned in, eager for insight. "What is it?" Harry asked.

"I found a list of names," Alexia explained, her voice hushed, "the names of all the wielders of the ancient magic before me. And guess whose name is on that list? Merlin himself."

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