The Enigma of The Lifeless Body!..😶

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In a completely abandoned bungalow,darkness enveloped every corner inside the room

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In a completely abandoned bungalow,
darkness enveloped every corner inside the room.

In a completely abandoned bungalow,darkness enveloped every corner inside the room

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As I cautiously descended the stairs, my heart filled with a strange fear.

There, lying on the floor, was a figure, blood pooling around her head.

I couldn't see her face, as she lay with her back towards me

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I couldn't see her face, as she lay with her back towards me.

The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning - it was my own lifeless body.

Before I could process this shocking discovery, the main door of the bungalow swung open with a deafening bang.

In a surreal twist, my soul was drawn back into my body, and I found myself still alive, albeit gravely injured.

With great effort, I managed to open my eyes slightly, only to see a manly figure standing at the door, holding a hammer that dripped with blood.

He slowly approached me dragging the hammer along the floor, his footsteps echoing ominously through the room.

Helpless and unable to cry out, I lay there, feeling the unbearable pain as if I had already accepted my impending demise.

The man stood right beside me, and though I couldn't turn my head to see his face, I could see his shoes and legs.

The man stood right beside me, and though I couldn't turn my head to see his face, I could see his shoes and legs

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The shoes were familiar as if it belonged to someone I knew.

I remained paralyzed, unable to glimpse his face, only able to focus on his shoes and the blood-soaked hammer.It seemed like the same hammer he had used to strike my head, leaving me utterly defenseless against the impending danger.

He raised the hammer once more, and with no means of escape, it felt like my only option was to face the inevitable.......

But then, in a sudden jolt, I snapped awake, gasping for air, my heart pounding in my chest.
It took a moment to realize that it had all been just a nightmare.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me, knowing that I was safe and sound, even though the horrifying images still lingered in my mind.

"Phew, what a terrifying experience!"

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"Phew, what a terrifying experience!"

Image source:- Pinterest

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