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Nemuri felt a little better after talking to Izuku last night. She'd had some ice cream and knew that if she felt this bad, her little girl must have been feeling worse. On her way to Shouta's room, she heard the tv her friend's room turn on.
At least she didn't have to wake her up now.
She knocked on the door. "Aizawa-Sensei?" She opened the door. "Hey, Izuku-Chan. How're you feeling?" Said girl smiled slightly. "As best I can right now. I assume he told you?" Nemuri walked over and sat on the bed. "Yeah, I had a little cry, but I think I'm good for now."
Izuku shifted so her Sensei could hug her, and she returned the action. They stayed like this for a few moments. "Y'know," Izuku said as they finally pulled apart. "I never liked when people worried about me. But I can't stop you guys. Also, I appreciate the teachers and all they do for me. You guys don't have to care, but you do. Thanks." Nemuri kissed the top of her hair. "Izuku, sweetie, it's because we love you. You've had a big impact on everyone's lives in the past few months and we love you for it. Shouta knows you're a fighter. And you should've seen Sunaipu's reaction. It was so hot!" Izuku laughed as she listened to her Sensei gush. She may not look the type, but Izuku loves drama. She and Midnight bonded over gossiping over the teachers and kids. "Yagi wants to pay every penny for your treatment." Izuku smiles. "That's because it's All Might. He's never had family, so all of his money is just sitting there. We occasionally go to orphanages and by the kids presents, but he's filthy rich. I'm gonna thank him tomorrow." The eighteen plus hero smirked. "Be careful. He might break more of your bones with hugs. No doubt he's giving Shou a talking to right now." Nemuri looked at her watch. "It's time for me to go to bed. I love you, sweetheart." Nemuri hugged Izuku and gave her a forehead kiss. "Bye, Sensei."

"Izuku." Someone shook her. "Izuku, wake up." She rubbed at the sleep in her eyes. "Did somo'ne 'ie?" She heard her Sensei laugh as he shook his head. "No, but you've got to go see Recovery
Girl." She pulled the blanket over her head. "But I HATE the smell of antiseptic!" She kicked him off the side of the bed, making him fall on his face. "Izuku, I will get Bakugou." She rolled her eyes. "Fine!" Izuku groaned. Aizawa stood, happy that he won an argument with a child. "You don't have to wear your uniform, but I did ask Nem to let you borrow something for today. It's over on the couch." Clearly, Aizawa doesn't look at the clothes he gets for other people. He got her some ugly bright pink sweat pants and a neon purple hoodie. "I look like a freaking highlighter." She deadpanned. "As long as your warm." He said, taking a slow sip of his coffee. She got on her favorite red shoes and sat by him on the sofa. "Sensei?" She asked. "I know I'll probably make it, I always do. But just in case, I want to do something for all my classmates, something that shows them how much I care. Can you help me?" Aizawa put an arm over her shoulder. "I don't want to think of that outcome. Its terrible. But there's a chance, Izuku. I want to make sure that if you take your final breath anytime soon, you have zero, regrets. So yeah, kid. I'll do anything." Izuku hugged him tightly. "So I've been looking for a hitman..." He grimaced. "Not to sure I could pull that off, I've got the skills no doubt but the rat knows everything."

"What do want for breakfast?" She looked up from her phone. "Can I have fruit loops?" He visably revolted, sticking out his tongue and making a gagging sound. "Hey! It's not my fault that you hate everything about the concept of colors!" But he said nothing, grabbing her selected cereal from the pantry. "I figured I'd let you pick who you go to the nurse's office with, everyone offered." She grabbed the container and headed to the fridge for milk. "You." He smiled, a soft look coming on to his face. "I'll text 'em."

"Nem said she hopes you have a good day." Shouta says in between taking a sip from his grape jelly pack. "That's nice," Izuku hums lightly, picking at her nails nervously. There were only a few minutes until homeroom and she didn't want her Sensei to leave just yet. "Sensei, I was wondering, when do I have to tell my classmates?" He put his arm around her shoulder. "I won't force you to do anything, but I'd tell them when you're, ready." She wasn't going to class, so for now she was stalling, afraid to seem too clingy if she asked Aizawa Sensei straight up. "Can I, erm, sit in with you for, y'know, homeroom?" He looked over at her and smiled. "I don't see why not, but if your friends are stressing you out, let me know. Homeroom is the only class I'm taking today, so we should be okay." She smiled back at the man. "Thanks."

"Deku-Chan! What happened yesterday?" Izuku was in the common room with Aizawa and they only had about thirty minutes until homeroom. "U-uraraka?" Ochako had tackled her in a hug that she was struggling to stand in. "Please get off of Midoriya," Shouta said, calmly sipping his third cup of coffee that morning. "Yes Sensei!" She said, but dragged poor Izuku into the corner of the room. "Deku, what happened? Todoroki, Iida, and I were so worried and Bakugou was eerily quiet all night!" Izuku scanned her brain for an excuse. "I had another broken arm and Recovery Girls quirk made me pass out, so Aizawa Sensei came to get me?" It sounded like she was confused, but Ochako sighed in relief, so she must've bought it. "I hoped it wasn't serious." Izuku tried for a smile while she and Ochako walked over to their friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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