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"You're lying! I have to be... I'm gonna be a hero. I need to be a hero..."

"I know, Midoriya-San. I know. But I'm very much serious. You will get the best care possible from Yuuei, I ensure you that. If the school won't provide it, you've got many people that would give skin and bone for you."

That brought her the slightest bit of comfort. Chiyo told Izuku that there were tumors in the gland that makes breast milk.

"Midoriya-San. I know this is a lot to take in. We will have to discuss with a parent about how to do this, but I realize you need time to process this. I'll call Aizawa and he can come pick you up. I won't tell anyone, but please don't wait too long to tell someone before it's too late." Chiyo smiled softly at Izuku, and the girl gave a nod and tried to smile back, but it came out pained and sad. The youthful heroine walked into the side office and dialed what was, presumably, Aizawa Sensei's number. While she waited for her teacher, a mini crisis went on in her brain. Would she still get to do hero training? Probably not, they'll most likely kick you out when they see your just a liability in the class. Izuku pushed those thoughts aside. She'd never done research on cancer so she wasn't sure how bad it would be. And her mom. Inko didn't take things very well, no matter what it was. As she grew up, the older woman was there, sure, but the only thing she did was take care of Izuku physically, screwing her up in the brain. And finding out your daughter might die at fifteen, Izuku could only hope she would allow her to stay in Yuuei. And crap, she had to tell her friends. She wondered how they would take it. If they'd be sad. She knows she would be devestated if any of the class were to pass, she'd spend weeks upon weeks mourning them.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." Chiyo says as she walks into the room, clipboard in hand. Aizawa walks in and stares at Izuku, the faintest bit of worry in his eyes. "What happened?" Chiyo looked at him somberly before she nodded to Izuku, bleary eyed and rubbing her hands together. "Ask her when you get back to the dorms. She doesn't have to say anything, so don't pressure her, but I think she needs someone to talk to." The erasure hero nodded, and offered her a hand to get off the chair. She took it gratefully and stumbled out of the office, her teacher providing most of the support. The walk was silent, and Izuku was grateful to her Sensei for being there, even if he didn't know what the hell was happening. Making their way into the common room, Aizawa nodded to Iida, and he let the next person go for checkups. Worried glances were sent to Izuku, but Aizawa just shook his head when Ochako moved to get up. They all stayed silent as their friend and teacher walked up the stairs, understanding something big was about to happen. Izuku had less All Might merch than the beginning of the year, as her mom asked to sell them for some 'emergency' cash, and she'd been reluctant, but still giving her all of the posters, (except for the one she stole from Nighteye) figurines, and collectables. It hurt to see them go, but she kept her cups and hoodies, though her room was almost completely empty. Aizawa helped her onto her bed and he sat down next to her, offering quiet comfort. "If I tell you what happened, will you expel me?" The question seemed to throw him off, as his face contorted in an unusual manner before his eyebrows crinkled together, mouth forming a frown. "Depends, did you break the law?" She shook her head and let out a few shaky breaths. Here it goes. "Sensei, I've got cancer." He froze, unmoving. He must've forgotten to breath, because his next few words were shallow and pained. "Are you going to..." She'd never heard her teacher at such a loss for words as now. "I... don't know." He didn't have to finish his sentence for her to know what he was talking about. "Problem child." She looked at him and- was he crying? She'd never seen the man cry, not even when he almost died at the USJ. He hugged her, and she froze unused to the action, but relaxed into it. The tears that were building up in her eyes poured out in a silent sob, clinging to Shouta like he was life support. This man, this man right here was the closest thing to a parent she'd ever had. Her mom didn't love her, even after the quirk awakening. She only took care of Izuku because it was the law. Shouta took his arms off her shoulders, but she kept hers wrapped around his waist. He took off his capture weapon and put it around her neck, and it was surprising soft and calming. He hugged her again, this time putting his head on top of hers. "You can have it, it's not much, but I know Shinsou taught you some tricks and I figured you might want one. I've got extras." His voice was thick with emotion. He rubbed circles into her back, and she didn't respond only hugging him tighter, accidentally powering just a tiny bit of One For All with it. And they sat there, taking in this gigantic change.

938 words

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