"I aim to please." She tells him, giggling at his amused expression as he tries to bite back another roar of laughter. 

When the two of them stop in front of a portrait, a crowd is gathering around it and all of them are shouting at the woman who continues to sing even after hearing the password numerous times. Her awful attempt at opera singing is like nails on a chalk board and she screeches at her captive audience. 

"Can we please get into the dorms, Elizabeth?" Remus requests politely, causing the woman to stop. She stares down at them angrily, annoyed by their protests, but the door swings open anyway.

Circe sticks a pinky in one of her ears, and pulls it back out expecting to find blood. "Merlin, she was bloody awful." She looks over the room, surprised to see that there is already a crowd of people inside.

Bottles of alcohol are scattered around the room and some of them are already empty. The large windows are wide open as a few groups congregate around them smoking cigarettes, among other things. Music is playing, making almost everything else inaudible. Circe isn't sure what song is playing but its decent so she isn't complaining. Their friends are sat together on a sofa, which is in front of the fireplace. Sirius is nattering away to Peter, who is listening intently to whatever he is saying. James is talking to a ginger girl, who the brunette can't recognise, but the boy actually looks nervous which is unusual. 

"Hey trolls." Circe greets them as she hops over the back of the couch, sliding into the empty spot. All three of them wave at her.

Remus sits down next to her, arching his eyebrow. "That was extremely nimble for someone who needed to cling onto my arm so they don't trip."

The girl looks at him, not even pretending to be embarrassed. "Oops, looks like you caught me." She grabs the half empty cup out of Sirius' hand and chugs the drink. The liquid feels like fire as it travels through her throat, the mixture of firewhiskey, tequila and orange juice burning as she swallows it down. A satisfied gasp escapes her mouth when she's done, wiping away the liquid around her lips.

"Hey!" The boy shouts at her but it was already too late. "What the fuck?" He slurs, unsurprisingly drunk from how strong it was. 

Circe hands him back the cup, a hopeful smile on her face. "Go get me another? You're going to get one for yourself anyway."

He groans, wobbling about a little when he stands up. "Fine. You want one, Moony?"

"Just a beer." The boy shouts after his friend, who is already stumbling away. He turns back to Circe who is looking rather pleased with herself. Her lipstick is slightly smudged, from when she wiped her mouth. Remus reaches his hand up, using his thumb to trace over the deep red which stains her skin. Circe stares at his close face as he concentratedly wipes away the smudge, admiring all of his soft features. His thumb lingers a little as he brushes his thumb against her lips but quickly removes his hand when they make eye contact. "You- uh- you had a bit of lipstick there." He informs her.

She hums as she watches his face turn slightly red. "Thank you pretty boy." She pulls out a compact mirror from her pocket and looks at her lips. "You did a good job." The girl praises, smirking over at him as she slides it back into her pocket. 

"Its no problem." He replies, shuffling slightly in his seat.

A cough comes from beside the pair, causing them to snap their heads over to Peter, who is awkwardly sat next to them. Feeling uncomfortable being the third wheel to the two who have an obvious sexual tension between them. 

"Who's James talking to?" Circe asks, feeling sorry for the boy who had to listen to them without the rest of the group their to make fun of them. Her flirting is a lot, she knows that much.

Peter gives her a grateful smile. "That's Lily. Prongs has been in love with her since first year."

"Ah, so that's Lily-flower." The girl chuckles, already having heard the boy's rambling about the girl. She hums as she looks the girl over. She's tall but not quite as tall as James and has long, fiery hair full of curls. The ginger has a curvy figure, which her tight, green dress is perfectly hugging. Her skin is tanned and full of freckles, most of which are collecting over the bridge of her nose. She doesn't have any makeup on but she certainly doesn't need it, she is gorgeous. An array of gold jewellery hanging off her neck and wrists, which match her heels- which give her a few more inches is height. Her and James are stood up now, deep in conversation, and with the shoes she is wearing she is a whole head taller than the boy, who is looking up at her adoringly. "He has excellent taste, I'll give him that."

"I'm surprised you don't know her, she is in most of our classes." Remus says, trying to divert her wandering eyes back to him.

Circe shrugs, giving him her usual coy grin. "My attention is usually focused elsewhere." She gives his thigh a tight squeeze, before she reaches her hand out towards Sirius who is stumbling back towards them with his hands full of drinks.

"Here you go." The boy says, handing off the drinks before smirking at Circe. "Make sure to drink every drop."

The girl looks down at her drink, swirling the suspicious drink around her cup before she takes a giant gulp from it. "Merlin!" She chokes. Circe has a high tolerance and can shoot down the most foul tasting shots like nobodies business but that was something else. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Well you seemed eager to get drunk, so I thought I'd do you a favour." He tells her, still bitter over her stealing his drink.

Taking that as a challenge, she brings the cup back to her lips and drinks every drop. She ignores the burning feeling as she chugs it down, a tingly sensation filling her entire body once she finishes it. "I think I'll make it a little stronger next time, it was too weak for my taste."

"Please don't, I don't want you both getting alcohol poisoning." Remus laughs at the challenging looks the pair are giving to each other. 

"Okay but only because you say so, pretty boy." 

James comes bounding over to the sofa, having finished his conversation with Lily. A bright smile is plastered on his face, so much so that he looked to be close to tears. "She said yes." He tells them.

"Pardon?" Sirius asks back, shock written all over his face.

"Lily-flower. She said yes." James whispers, his face becomes distant like he is in some form of shock. "We're going on a date on the first Hogsmeade weekend."

"You did it Prongs!" Peter cheers, hugging his friend.

"I did it." He repeats.

Sirius laughs heartily. "Thank Merlin, I thought you were never going to do it." He slurs out, spilling half of his drink as he carelessly lifts the cup into the air. "To Prongs."

"To Prongs!" They all repeat, clashing their cups together.

Circe frowns as she looks down at her drink, remembering that she has already had it all. She groans as she stands up from the couch, gripping onto Remus shoulder to steady herself. "As much as it pains me to say this, I have to. You, my friend, have an impeccable taste in women."

"Why would it pain you to say it?" Remus laughs. "You just said the same thing a couple of minutes ago." 

The makes a disgusted expression. "I was complementing Lily then, not him. Why would I ever want to compliment that troll? His ego is already the size of a quidditch pitch."

"Hey!" James protests. "I can't have an ego if I'm actually just that amazing."

Circe looks back to Remus, both of them sniggering. "You see?"

"I certainly do."

She pulls a box out of her pocket. "Right, I'm going for a ciggie."

a/n i high-key want to write a lily fic and a short king sirius fic

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