its okay to not understand some things

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its okay to not understand some things, let mysteries remain...

While i got to taste from the fruits of a few languages i got to adore, with their beauty, i got to realise more the complexities of human communication & how humans from different cultures convey ideas differently... i like this Irish folk ... ill keep it as an example for that, altho i understand main ideas i dont understand all the nuances & its alright!

I remember this internal conflicting of not being able to understand some things, would make me go bananas n hit me on my head, while back in school...

I remember once a classmate remarked: if she'd be this worried abt some others more important things, as he observed abnormal things about, im too ashamed to say on what...

I always put knowledge & understanding as smh more important for me, that's why it was normal/smh expected to act strangely (for that super imature stage in my life) on this matter when things got rocky... be it even at maths, my weak point...

An irish folk for the end, IN IRISH, from Seo Linn

Its a girl song as i understood:

Its a girl song as i understood:

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Interestinly... one word that repeats in the end is similar w a Romanian word for the same thing:

 one word that repeats in the end is similar w a Romanian word for the same thing:

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Creidim i níos fearr - eu cred in mai bine, (cica asa s-ar traduce) ...

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