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(Noah is laying in a bed in a small cell with no visible doors or windows, one camera on the ceiling)

Noah's pov

Suddenly, a light was shining,  waking up. I quickly sat up to realize I'm not at home. But where am I?

(Sudden static sounds)
-Speaker- "Glad you're awake, Noah! How was your nap?"

"Who are you.." I said with a nervous tone

-Speaker- "No need to know my name now, but you should start training, you have a big fight in a few days"

"I'm not fighting.. just let me go!" I said, I shouldn't say anything rude yet, I have no control of the situation.

-Speaker- "If you don't fight, your opponent will kill you, now is someone fussy?"

"Huh? No, I'm not. Sorry," This is the quickest thing I could say without starting anything. But a fight..? Where am I even!

-Speaker- "Now, you should get to bed Noah!"

(The lights suddenly went out)

Hm... Maybe I could try breaking the bed frame and use that to try making a hole in the wall... there must be a door.

I quickly examine the bedframe. It was bolted down. It seems like this happened before, but I could try smashing it still.

I start punching the wooden bed frame, and it cracks. This is going well so far...

(Sudden static sounds)
-Speaker- Just because there's no light doesn't mean you're invisible. Someone is being a bad boy.

(The lights turn on as 2 trap door opens from the ceiling and 2 robot arms come out of it)

I back up into one of the 4 corners ready to scream.

One of the robot arms quickly grabbed the bed, including the bedfame, ripping the bolts out from the floor. The other robot arm replaces it with an adult sized crib.

"What's going to happen." I ask with fear.

-Speaker- Tomorrow, you will have a tiny battle with someone as punishment, and you're acting like a child. So you need a crib.

My eyes widened, but I had no words, but before I could think the robot arms grabbed me, laying me down to the ground and took off my pants.

"YOU B*TCH STOP IT," I yelled. No response.

The arms pinned me down while forcing my butt in the air, taking my boxers off. They laid a thick diaper under me and set my butt on it. They quickly put baby powder and put the tabs on the diaper.

I continued to scream and attack, but with no effort, the arms pinned me down.

-Speaker- Someone needs another punishment... hmm?


One of the robot arms quickly shoved a pacifier in my mouth while grabbing a needle with a strange liquid.

As I tried to get up and fight back, restraints on my legs and arms, holding me down to the ground.

The robot arm holding the needle quickly injected it in my leg.


-Speaker- "fine fine, I'll tell you baby boy, since you could die tomorrow, that liquid shrinks your bladder down by 85%"

Before I could speak anymore, I passed out, falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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