1. Reunion of old friends

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Dhiraj's pov

It's 7am and here I am walking in the park while holding my beautiful wife's hand

"Gitu ji you are glowing so much today"

I said looking at my wife Gita, she smiled and replied

"Not more than you"

While talking to my wife I noticed a guy around my age staring at us from a distance

"Gitu ji I think that guy is staring at you I should go up to him and ask him to stop staring at my wife like a creep"

I told her making a suspicious face

"Noooo don't just go up to a random person and say something weird, why would anyone stare at me at this age look how old I am and look at this wrinkles"

Gita said and I looked at her and said with a smile

"What do you mean why would anyone stare at you, of course people would stare at you just look at you how beautiful and young you look even at this age"

I saw the man walking towards me with a woman behind him and screaming my name

"Dhiraj Dhiraj is that you"

What but how does he know my name, his voice feels familiar

"Dhiraj ji he is calling you, do you know him by chance"

"I don't know but his voice is similar to someone I know"

I said and started to tried to take a good look of his face when he came near me and that's when it hit me


I muttered slowly while Gita looks at me with confused face Mahesh hugs me tightly saying

"I can't believe it's you Dhiraj"

I can't believe it either, it's Mahesh my childhood best friend, we lost touch when we were in high school

"Mahesh it's you, I can't believe it my friend look it's Gita my wife and Gita it's Mahesh my friend"

"Ji namaste Dhiraj always used to tell me your stories, it's so nice to meet you finally"

"Namaste bhabhi and meet my wife charu"

We all greeted each other warmly and decided to go and have our breakfast together while catching up with each other.

Sitting in a cafe we were talking about our life and our childhood incidents, we were talking about our kids and grandkids, I told him about atharv being engaged and that now I'm looking for a suitable partner for Anant

Mahesh thought for a while and suggested

"Dhiraj I'm thinking why not take our friendship and transform it into relation, what if we get my granddaughter Lavanya engaged to Your grandson Anant, what do you think about it? "

"Ahh why not it would be awesome, I know Anant won't say no to me so it's a yes from our side, you should talk to lavanya about it and let us know"

We were all very happy at this decision and after chatting for a while we left for home, excited to tell our family about this engagement.

Kashvi RaghuvanshiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora