Seek and Figure Against The World [Part I]

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"are they all asleep?"
"Time to strike."

Seek swiftly and silently pulled out his swords, and figure smirked and kissed him on the lips. "Good luck, my dear."
"I don't need luck." Replied Seek and left the cabin they called home.

Figure sat down and waited as he tried to listen to Seek's footsteps for as long as possible.

Seek climbed through the window, quiet as a mouse.
He sneaked around the hotel, his swords held tightly by his hands.
He went into one of the bedrooms, slowly getting closer to his target, which was sleeping peacefully...

He lifted up the sheets, but was shocked to find nothing but piles of folded clothes. Before he could register what's going on, the lights in the room turned on.

"Well well well... Look who it is..." Said a sly voice behind him.
Seek slowly turned around, smirking. "Hello,-

There's more to come, this is just the beginning...

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