~1:1 part 1

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•3rd pov•

The screen starts up. it zooms in on an image of an old looking barn.
Wind blows and thunder rumbles in the distance outside the barn. What used to be an old beat up working barn was now a place where a group of 5 best friends hung out often. Hanna,Emily,Spencer,Aria, and Harper all passed around a glass of some sort of alcohol while giggling and laughing together with one of the girls favorite songs playing in the background. After taking a sip Harper got up and started dancing a bit "I love this song!" A crack of lightning rips through the barn as the lights start to flicker then go dark their music turns off as well. Spencer finds a flash light and turns it on to provide some light, they all shriek as they hear a big bang coming from outside the barn.

"Whoa, what's happening" Hope said as she started to have a weird feeling in her stomach not liking what was going on at all. Klaus looked at her and said "I don't know, but I have a feeling something bad is going to happen tonight."

"Somethings out there."Aria says as she starts to get scared. The door to the barn opens slightly. Emily looked at Aria "Something or someone." The girls all huddle up and walk towards it. They peek outside and see nothing then-
"GOTCHA" Alison says as she jumps out in front of them "AHHHH" "AHHHH" Kol screams out in a girl voice while vamp speeding over to Elijah and jumping on him. Once Kol calms down after a few seconds he looks around to see the parents shocked at how fast he ran and the Mikaelsons looking at Kol about to laugh " no comment" Kol says as he gets up from Elijah and fixes his clothes. Rebeckah and Klaus look at each other for one moment then burst out laughing.

"So not funny Alison" Spencer breathed out " I thought it was hilarious girls" Alison grabs the cup from Spencer's hand as she walks by and takes a sip. They all find cozy spots to sit and relax. " She looks so normal" Klaus says as he thinks of all the time he missed out on her growing up " yeah well i tried my best to give her that" Veronica said as she looked over at klaus with disdain " does she even know that Peter isn't her real father" Elijah said looking at the woman and man with distrust. There was a moment of silence in the theater room. There was something about that man to him. " no she does not, im guessing from how quiet you two just went"
"Did you download the new beyonce" hanna said starting up a conversion "not yet" " I'm loving her new video" Emily says " maybe a little too much, Em?" "What is this girl's problem?" Hayley says not liking her attitude towards her "friends"at all"

Emily shot Alison a hurt look while Alison just responded with a sweet smile. Harper shot her a glare but didn't say anything, at least not yet. Harper took the glass and took a huge gulp "careful Harps drink too much and you might spill all your secrets." Spencer said giggling. " Friends share secrets, that's what keeps us so close" everyone looks at Ali " so drink up" they all laugh.

There was silence at last the storm had finally passed. The barn door was wide open when Aria awoke. She looks over at Hanna and emily. "Em?" Emily wakes up to the sound of Aria's voice. " whoa-" Hanna groggy sits up and yawns. " Where's Ali, Spencer, and harper?" Hanna interrupts. "We don't know" aria says, making the three girls look at eachother alarmed. "I think i'm going to be sick" " i think i'm gonna be sick"marcel says at the same time as hanna. "I want to go home" Emily says feeling scared, Aria walks up to the door and looks outside. Hanna and Emily follow Aria to the barn door; they all see something move in the treeline. "Ali?" Aria yells out hoping she was right. " She's gone" Spencer says now that they can see her. "What do you mean she's gone?" Hanna looked worried and confused, trying to figure out what she meant by gone.
" I think I heard her scream," Harper says, coming out from behind spencer.

~Arthur's note~
I'm so sorry it took so long to upload so much stuff has been happening that I'm not gonna get into right now but I have been thinking about something that I didn't think abt before since PLL episodes are so long do u guys want me to spilt up the episodes like this and have shorter chapters but also shorter uploads time or do yall want longer chapters but longer uploads time let me know pls😇

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