it all started when i was born

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i was like, 12-13 when i started dating gene/doge and TBH i only dated them bcs their art was good and i wanted free art BWAHHFAEGAHL i was such a douche

but as we were dating gene was like "oh btw i draw furry porn art" and i was like... okaaayyy.... but like yk im not one to judge (lie) so like whatever not the end of the world and i had some "furry" ocs myself so like ?!! whatever bruh

but then they REALLY started to get into nsfw and smth i noticed after breaking up w them is that they are SUPER hypersexual and tbh i shouldve taken that flag as a cop-out but i didn't. anyways unlike previous relationships involving her we never sexted or anything since im asexual BUT we did create this "NSFW server" which was, btw, WORST MOMENT OF MY LIFE HEELPPPPPP

in that server it was filled w primarily young kids (INCLUDING MYSELF) and me and gene had this like private chat dedicated to just us and since i was cringelord i would spam the fucking radiodust tag to (radio)dust and gene would LITERALLY LOOK UP DIB X ZIM now in my defense I DID NOT KNOW AT THE TIME THAT IT WAS PROSHIP so i didnt say anything but i never like participated in it

GENE DID A LOT OF THINGS THAT MADE ME UNCOMFORTABLE IN THIS SERVER (minus the entirety of the server SRSLY I DID NOT DRAW THAT MUCH PORN IM NOT THAT INTERESTED IN IT TO MAKE AN ENTIRE SERVER but wtv) like they added a bot channel where people would spam like r34 of things they like yk? yeah PPL KEPT LOOKING UP CHILD PORN. and gene did NOTHING!!!!!!! so I HAD TO BE THE ONE knocking all these ppl out and theyd get all pissy like "i just wanted to see if there were actually resuuullltsss!!" stfu 

ANOTHER THING THEY ADDED WAS A SONA NSFW CHANNEL. yeah. remember when i said this server was mostly if not all minors? yeah this channel was mainly child porn since its literally their sona. gene did post in this channel and i even asked them about it and they just said it was their way of coping. i stopped it there cuz i didnt want to cause drama (bad idea) but its like okay but you dont and SHOULDNT be posting that....

the nsfw server eventually got deleted THANK FUCK whoever reported gene's ass. i was lowkey so uncomfortable abt the whole server so to see it gone was like light coming down from heaven

NOW THE MAIN THING IM GETTIN YELLED AT FOR. gene said the n word (multiple times) and i only noticed it once back when we were friends/dating and i clearly expressed i was uncomfortable w it but YES it is true i did not actively go SJW mode and cancel their ass but I WAS THIRTEEN WTF DID YOU WANT ME TO DO???? i was already getting hella manipulated by this racist chick u think i have the guts to step up?? HELL NO none of you guys stepped up either why am i taking the heat?? but okay yes BOOOOO YOU LET RACISM HAPPEN BOOOOOOOO i know i know im sorry and i have changed (halo appears above my head)

now when i was like 15 or so i just started throwing death threats around like candy cuz i was in my prime age and felt like a god. i never meant any of it lol i just thought it was funny and edgy (for the vine, your honor)

now i won't mention the chronically online ppl i got into a tango w/ because that's "recent" (i already forgot half of their names) but just know it was probably over something stupid

i think one of the reasons theyre cancelling me is bc i said i was uncomfortable hearing the n word repeatedly and like ok yeah that's not my place to be speaking i'll admit that i just worded it really bad cuz i meant for the tl;dr to be "n word bad" rather than "BLACK PPL CANNOT SAY N WORD EVER!!!!!!!! EVERRRR!!!" like im just uncomfortable hearing the word but im not trying to say that no black person can say it ever

anyways i dont think i did too many problematic things on my channel other than being cringe as fuck and dating a racist furry porn artist :P OH and also being a danganronpa fan im sorry for being a danganronpa fan i promise i don't like it anymroe please.

but yeah now im 17 and looking at colleges so im leaving my old internet obsessed persona in the past and moving onto being a cool biologist asf (fire emojis) cabbagusky you will be pissed (gravestone) rest in Piss (pissing on the moon) if u guys wanna catch up on me or stalk me or whatever u like to do these days im bite182 in most places but im more active on my irl accs (which i am not telling you) (secret!) also i like my little pony but not in the brony way BYEEEEEE

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 29 ⏰

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