And I may or may not have listened with my team 😁

Oh god...
Did they like it at least?

Oh they LOVED it
Minah is a big fan of you and Mika so she was very excited 😭

Oh I remember her from swf!
She's actually Mika's favorite from Bebe!

Oh my god she's gonna freak out when I tell her!

Tell me what she says!
I have to go but thank you for listening to my cover, it means a lot ♥️

Of course!
Have a good day ♥️


Bada sat in a private dance studio with her team, Bebe. They had been practicing for the past couple of hours, staying prepared for future events. They are currently taking a break, they had already listened to Maya's cover and they were thoroughly impressed. When Bada told them that she was working with her they were excited to see what she would come up with, especially Minah. She had been a fan of Mika for a while and found Maya through her and fell in love with her dance and choreo, so when Bada told her she was ecstatic, hopeful to meet the two somehow. And she was especially jealous when she found out Lusher and Tatter had met her the day prior, having helped film the choreography draft.

Bada was glad the past awkwardness with Maya was now gone, being able to message her about things was nice. Even though most of the time it was about practice or a specific part of the choreo.

Bada smiled and turned off her phone placing it beside her.

"What has you smiling?" Lusher asked, who was sitting directly in front of her.

"Nothing, god are you always staring at me?" Bada asked the girl sarcastically.

Lusher rolled her eyes, "No actually, but when you're giggling and smiling at your phone I'm gonna wonder who you talking to."

"You don't even know if I was talking to someone." Bada challenged the girl.

"Yes, I do, now who was it?" Lusher asked smiling, "Wait let me guess, Maya." Bada's face started to turn red, Lusher getting her guess. "Oh my god, it was!"

Lusher's yell made everyone look away from their phones and bring them to the two girls bickering. "Okay, fine I was." Bada shrugged hiding her face slightly in the process.

"Oh my god, what did you say!" Minah asked the girl shaking her shoulders lightly in the process.

"I just told her I liked her cover, that's all." Bada smiled, "Oh, and Minah I have some big news for you."

"You better not be trying to change the subject," Minah said not wanting to change the conversation.

Bada raised her hands in defense, "I'm not I swear." Minah nodded her head, telling Bada to continue. "Okay, she just told me that she wants to meet you guys and that you were Mika's favorite in Supa 2," Bada told the younger girl, waiting for her reaction.

"You're not messing with me right?" Minah asked, not wanting to get led on.

"I'm not, I promise." Bada quickly said.

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