2019 "I'm going out tonight"

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Everyone was talking about Joshua's glow-up, who before was a pale and extremely skinny teenager, who now showed off the natural color of his skin which seemed to have been kissed by the Sun itself. His figure became slender, everyone seemed enchanted by every detail of the young omega's figure from his deer-like eyes to his hourglass-shaped body. Clothing and cosmetic brands began to show their interest in the young omega, and in many interviews they asked him why he did not have a current partner, to which Joshua responded under the typical excuse of not having enough time to date someone.

Jeonghan couldn't escape that charm. God, he swore he began to like Seungcheol but Jisoo was the one who made him feel powerful and weak at the same time, only he had that power, no matter how much he tried to deceive himself, things didn't work the way the company wanted.

In the dormitories to which they had recently moved, all the members surrounded Jisoo who had radically abandoned his teenage appearance in recent months.

"Joshua hyung, you have almost more chest than a girl." Seungkwan observed, making the older blush, who shook his head.

"I've been going to the gym with Hosh, Jihoonie and Minnie." Jisoo confessed shyly, Seungkwan raised his eyebrows wanting more information, Junhui imitated him.
"I have just entered my most fertile years." Finally the marshmallow-scented omega revealed, and the young alphas of the group ran away to any part of the house, prisoners of shame.

Junhui whistled and then shamelessly touched the older omega's butt.

"This grew too , a month ago you seemed like a map. God of cats, I need one of these glow-ups." The omega of Chinese origins dramatically expressed.

Minghao approached the group as he extended his cell phone to Joshua.

"You are the sensation of the moment, everyone is talking about you. About how beautiful you are, about your good manners, about your culture and they even want to take you to one of those shows where grannies only congratulate you." The omega with slightly long black hair reported.
"There are even famous alphas saying that they would give everything for a look from you. Wonho said in his last live that when he sees you he will ask you out, even some sumbaenims are drooling over you." He added.

"No way." Jeonghan's shout interrupted the animated conversation of the omegas.
"Jisoo is too young to be marked."

Joshua snorted in disbelief remembering when Jeonghan wanted to mark him a few years ago, he was very young when that demon with angelic features want.

"Jeonghan hyung, Jisoo hyung is your age and even you marked Seungcheol hyung three years ago. Shua is already too old for you to monitor him 24/7." The Jeju-born omega contradicted.

"We should partying, omega's night, exclusively us." Minghao proposed, making Joshua, not very convinced, accept.

Upon hearing that, the nutty-scented alpha was certain that they would drive him crazy in less than five minutes. Just associating the words "Idol" "Omega" "Party" "Alcohol" "People" didn't seem like a good option.

"Absolutely not, if you want to go, Cheol and I will accompany you." Jeonghan exclaimed, irritating the group of omegas.

"Shua hyung will take care of us." Jihoon insisted, and if there was anything strange it was Jihoon wanting to leave his studio or the house on a day off.

"You can all go." The newly arrived alpha said, watching how the omegas hugged each other excitedly.

"Cheol." Jeonghan insisted, the older just let his shoulders fall, downplaying the matter.

The eldest of the alphas kissed Yoon's cheek, making the one with angelic features smile.

"Plus we will have the house to ourselves. You should strengthen our bond." Choi flirtatiously mentioned loud enough for the rest to hear.

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