Meeting my maker

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Stefan opens the door and immediately hugs me. I hug back as if I've been waiting for this moment forever. His arms holding me so tight I could barely move but I just accepted it. This was a moment I didn't want to end.
The whole reason I moved away was safety. There was a lot of dangerous stuff going on and as always stefan didn't want me near it.
"God if missed you so much stefan"
"Meg. 5 years was a long time, we've missed you too" I can see damon walking towards the door now and he shoves stefan out the way. I let out a little laugh before I'm pulled towards his chest. I wrap my hands round him too slumping into the hug.
"So now you gonna tell me that you've missed me"
"Never. I don't tell my emotions." Him and his snarky comments. I swear there gonna kill him one day. We stay in the hug for about 30 seconds before he does his usual eye thing. The one where he lokks like hes in a sanstorm...of course and the he pulls away.
They both move out the way of the door and grab some of my stuff I carry about 3 bags and we walk into the house.
"How much did you pack!!!"

"OH come on stef. I'm a lady. I don't pack light. I have one bag for skincare, one bag for clothes, one bag for dresses and so on. Let a girl live"
Damon rolls his eyes.
"If I ever packed this much you'd drive us off a bridge just to get them wet"
"I have NO idea what your talking about" I chuckle. Plus you never have packed this much so how would you know"
I've fully unpacked now about and hour or so later. My room is the same from last time, covered in pictures and a plain modern kind of look  so I didn't have to re decorate although I wouldn't have minded a trip to IKEA. As im plugging in my alexa I hear a knock in my bedroom door.
"Come in" I say, struggling to find the plug
"What are you doi... anyway. Elena, Caroline and her new boyfriend are coming over later for a mini party. Is that alright with you?" He's leaning against my bedroom door arms crossed looking at me like stefan always does. Eyebrows raised but with a cool kinda brotherly look on his face.
"Wait ELENA AND CAROLINE, yeah that's perfect. I haven't seen them in like forever!"
"Well be downstairs in 5 because there on their way now. Okay?"
"Yeah yeah. I'll be down in a sec" Not long after stefan left my room, I headed down the stairs.
God I've missed this house. The pure scale of it is crazy, 3 people living in a house with 12 bedrooms and a living room the size of a classroom. I guess I could say. What's that tiktok trend. 'I think i like this little life?' Yeah, that's it.

I sit down on the sofa scrolling on tiktok for about 5 minuites before I hear a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" I shout to my brothers. I walk over to the door sighing before i open it. There I see elena, Caroline and...Klaus.

I lock eyes with him.

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