14 ~ Fresh Meat

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An eerie silence had filled the room; it had been this way throughout the whole night. My eyes were heavy and I could feel bags forming under them from the lack of sleep. I had tossed and turned the whole night, attempting to keep my nerves at bay, but it was no use. No matter what I did, how I lay, I couldn't fall asleep. My mind was racing with every possible outcome of the upcoming training day. I might even say it was worse than last year.

Things were going to be much different now. I wasn't just up against random district kids, most too weak to even put up a good fight, I was up against victors. People who have won the games before, some in ways I could never have even imagined were possible. What was I to them?

The day of training would be the day that I get to see a glimpse of who they might be in the arena. Of course, I had access to their tapes, but those had taken place so long ago. Things change. Some of them may have gotten weaker with age, while some even stronger. I had no idea what they had been learning in the years leading up to this. I didn't know their alliances, or tactics, or even fighting styles, but they knew mine. They knew exactly who I was because I had won only a year ago. The chances they had seen my games were extremely high, especially if they had been mentors to other tributes in my games.

Matter of fact, they knew all of us and how we think. I have no doubt in my head about the intellect of these people, the breaking down and studying they may have done on each of our fighting styles. Cato, is aggressive and arrogant. Katniss, is stealthy and swift. Peeta, is strong yet gentle. And me, knowledgeable on the forests I grew up in, and untrustworthy of anyone that poses a threat to the ones I love. This very well could be a huge weakness, especially if someone tried to target Johanna or Cato, not that anyone would be stupid enough to try.

After a few more minutes of trying to at least relax I gave up, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed and lifting myself.

I move my left arm up over my head as I lean back, the bones in my back letting out a satisfying crack of relief. The sudden movement causes the lights of the room to slowly brighten, their bright white colors filling me with a feeling of emptiness.

It takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the bright fluorescence above me, but once they do I spot a small folded uniform sitting on top of the table across from me. It was black and based on the streaks that peaked through from the sleeves, a light gray too. My feet slowly shuffle toward it before I reach down. My fingers wrap around the straps of the tight tank top as I lift it.

It looked to be at least a size too small, but the fabric was stretchy, similar to the previous year. I sigh for a moment before beginning to strip down into my undergarments, quickly shoving the tight tank top and ankle-length pants on.

I only briefly look at my reflection as I walk past the mirror, not caring what I look like for the other tributes. I didn't have anyone to impress that I had not already impressed based on my games. My pace is quick and I quickly make it to the dining room where a buffet of food is already waiting for me. The tongueless servants in red stood like statues around the room, eyes following me. I would have felt scared the last time I where here, especially being alone with them, but I had to remember that they are victims too. Avoxes, traitors to the Capitol who had their tongues cut out, and are forced to work for the Capitol.

They knew I wasn't here by choice. In a way, I was just like them. A slave to the Capital and a player of the games they made.

As I begin to make a plate of food I hear slow heavy footsteps behind me, the sound of metal hitting the floor with each step echoed through the room. My eyebrows tighten together. Johanna's footsteps were usually more fast-paced, and I couldn't be Madelyn or Serenity since there's were usually much lighter, so who was it? The footsteps stop as they reach behind me and I quickly whip my head around.

Ignite The Flame Within | Cato Hadley X Male Reader | Vol. 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz