Chapter 3

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Things seemed to turn in your favor as Severus was actually being... nice! He said 'hello' to you in the halls, he waved you over to him during meals, he asked about your day. You felt like a complete 180 had happened over night.

Unknown to you it basically had. During his meeting with Dumbledore he was given the task of getting close to you. Dumbledore had said you were close with several death eaters and this was the 'in' he has been looking for and if Snape got close to you then you would bring him into your world and he could get closer to Voldemort. This was Dumbledore's plan all along, getting Snape in. All he had to do was attach himself to you and rise up in the ranks with the death eaters.

*that night*

"The Burke girl seems quite taken with you." Dumbledore said fondly.

Snape raised an eyebrow, hands behind his back, he fidgeted with his fingers, "I haven't noticed." He said blankly.

Dumbledore nodded and sipped his brandy, "She is pure blood."


"There is a gathering in a few months... it would benefit us if someone was there to listen in." He said waving his hand dismissively.

Snape nodded, " You want me to become friends with her and gain access..."

"Actually Snape, I was hope you could get closer to her than that." Snape was taken aback. Truly started he didn't know how to respond.


"Snape, this is a delicate time. She will not involve you in important meetings if you are merely a 'friend'...." Dumbledore leaves the tension in the air.




He sips his brandy.

"I can't" Snape says flatly.

"But of course you can! It doesn't mean anything and she won't know until everything has worked in our favor... hopefully. You said, Snape, that you would do anything to protect her?" Dumbledore was looking right at Snape.

Snape felt like Dumbledore was hiding something but he couldn't be for certain. He remembered what Melyra had said about his palms, he leaned into the feeling. Suddenly he felt himself overwhelmed with feelings that he knew weren't his own. He pulled back again, Dumbledore didn't seem phased at all. He plunged back into the feelings and the overwhelming feeling of betrayal, contempt, and secret fell over him. He pulled back again and nodded to Dumbledore.

"I will see what I can do."

"I'm counting on you Snape. You are my only hope."

Snap felt sick but he nodded again. He couldn't disappoint Dumbledore.


You leaned into the attention if it meant completing your mission for Dumbledore. You had to find out if Snape had an in with the Death Eaters meeting next month at the Malfoy Manor.

One night you asked Snape if he wanted to come to your place and grade papers together. He accepted a little too quickly for his normal hesitant self but you took it as your attempts to draw him into a more physical relationship actually working. You started wearing perfume that you knew would draw him in.

He had a very distinct smell of parchment, herbs, and pepper specifically. You actually really liked his smell, it reminded you of your greenhouse and of a library at the same time.

Together you sat in your flat, Snap at the table and you laying on the floor. The silence wasn't too still as the scape of your quills continuously writing kept a steady sound around you both. You listened to Snape's subtle breaths and suddenly noticed his breathing changed and you cast your eyes on him without moving your head. He was looking in your direction, then he ducked his head suddenly, only to look right back at you. You held yourself still, faking the controlled concentration you were trying to emulate.

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