Sonic had seen the gauze on Shadow's own arm, knew it would be gone by the next time he saw the dark hedgehog. But it still bothered him. He couldn't begin to describe how ashamed he felt still. He'd wanted to apologise to Shadow, but he'd left while he was still trying to formulate the words. Sonic wasn't sure how he'd face him after that.

Thankfully, Shadow seemed to be either in his room or out of the apartment entirely. He found Rouge with her own bowl at the table in the kitchen. He took a step into the room.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

Rouge looked up and smiled. "No problem. I know it's no chili dog but I hope it was to your liking?"

Sonic blinked. "Oh, no, it was good. I really enjoyed it."

He placed the bowl and plate in the sink. The urge to wash it was high but was it rude to wash up in someone else's home, or rude not to? Before he could do it anyway, Rouge stepped up beside him and ran the tap herself. For a moment he stood a few steps away awkwardly.

"Could... could I maybe get the recipe for it?"

Rouge rose a brow at him. "For what?"

"The soup?" he clarified.

"Of course. I didn't realised you cooked."

"I do... on occasion. Not... not often. Not anymore."

With a stomach full of warm soup, now all Sonic wanted to do was find somewhere sheltered or high up and sleep. But he was also wary. He just wanted a peaceful night tonight. He just wanted to actually feel rested for once. He was probably not going to get that with Dark around.

And he also had to leave.

But how was he supposed to leave when the door was locked? He supposed through a window...


He turned to Rouge, unaware that he'd zoned out. He hummed in acknowledgement.

"Could you stay here? Just for tonight?" she asked, as though she'd read his racing thoughts.

She wanted him to stay? Well, he supposed they did lock him in the apartment. And they must have spoken to Tails and Knuckles. He wasn't sure he wanted to stay. What if they called them while he was stuck? Sonic still didn't think he could face them. Definitely not Knuckles. And... and he still wasn't quite ready to look Tails in the eye. Not yet.


"Please? We won't call your friends. I promise."

He stared at her for a moment, looked into her aquamarine eyes. She looked sincere. She sounded sincere. But Rouge was a master at deception. She could be lying. He didn't know her tells.

"I just want you to be safe."

Sonic's ear flicked. He could hear a light pitter-patter against the windowpanes. He supposed he could use a roof over his head tonight. He wasn't a fan of rain.


Rouge let out a breath and smiled at him. She led him to a door down the hall painted black. It stood directly opposite a black door with a red stripe across the top. Huh. Shadow's room, he guessed. He would have snorted if he hadn't felt so uncomfortable. That meant the purple door opposite the bathroom would be Rouge's. He kept that in mind.

This was a spare room. There was, surprisingly, a bed in here, though Sonic wasn't sure what guests Rouge would ever have over. Perhaps that lady from G.U.N. she seemed fond of? Topaz, he believed. Figures Rouge would be drawn to her, considering her name. He couldn't think who else would use this room otherwise. Perhaps she had other friends. It was not Sonic's place to know or judge. He just wasn't expecting the apartment to have a guest room.

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