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"so you're telling me you never had your own toys growing up"

"growing up in the league of assassins. no" came a very cut-and-dry answer. "Man, I know you're childhood is sad and all but they didn't have to make it that sad"

Robin looked over at Nightwing, the whites of his domino mask becoming slits indicating he was glaring at the older bird. but he didn't seem to notice or care. nightwing sat on the head of a gargoyle, Robin standing beside him on the building ledge, leaning back against the wall of the building. they had been out for their nightly patrol, they had stopped a mugging or 2, but otherwise, it had been a very slow night. Nightwing suggested posting up on the clock tower in central Gotham, it has a great view to spot any potential crime, plus they were in a more popular spot for crimes. not to mention they could get off their feet for a moment. 

damian agreed thinking they'd keep to themselves and just keep an eye out for any activity. but he didn't factor in that he was with Grayson, the circus kid who loved to talk. dick had started asking Damian about his life with the League of Assassins. they've gotten a lot more used to each other by this point, it had taken some give and take to start opening up to each other, even about little things. but Richard- having already dealt with bonding with a new brother at least 2 times over, had learned that if he wanted to make connections with the new additions to his family he was always to be the one to initiate. whether it meant sharing something about himself or asking small, not super invasive questions about them. this time he had asked Damian if he had any toys growing up in the league, and what it was like.

damian didn't care for the question, at first he just didn't respond thinking it was ridiculous to even ask. but the second time the question was asked he just responded with a quick "no" wanting to leave it at that. but Richard had other plans, wanting to keep the conversation going. landing them where they are now. 

"It wasn't sad, I just didn't waste my time on frivolous things like playing with action figures. I had a katana and honed my skills from infancy. that's all I needed" Robin responds knowing that there wasn't a huge point in fighting anymore. Grayson was only going to pester him till he got answers "Right that's great and all, but not even a play sword? like Nerf foam swords or... or a lightsaber?" Richard asked looking at Damian a little more closely, the wheels beginning to turn in his head "A... what?" Damian asks with genuine confusion, Damian was fairly caught up in modern media and movies so that he wouldn't seem like he'd been living under a rock his whole life, but with the sheer amount of movies, TV shows, and video games there are, it was hard getting around to even a fraction of it, plus he barely cared for it. that being said he hasn't had a chance to learn anything about Star Wars and the laser swords within that world. 

"oh come on!" Richard exclaimed "Not even a lightsaber. That sucks" he stated pulling out a phone-like device and searching up lightsabers, showing Damian what he was talking about. 

it was a short clip of a teen with blond hair igniting a "lightsaber" in a hut-like structure, with him was an old man and 2 robots of some kind. damian watches as the teen swings the laser sword around, a buzzing sound emitting from it with every movement. Damian raised his eyebrow as he processed what he just watched "It looks ridiculous. There's no blade, making it essentially a staff. not much of a sword if you ask me" Damian looks back at the streets as dick put the phone-like device away "Sure, there isn't a blade to it. but it does reach around 20,000°F. I know I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of that" Richard casually mentions, to which Damian looked at him skeptically "20,000°F.? That's overkill"

Richard only shrugged "It cuts through metal doors, we are talking about a fictional, sci-fi-esk world. Overkill is kinda needed," he says, having seen the time he stands up and stretched "Well I think let's call it a night" Damian sighs, silently agreeing. it was a very uneventful night, plus it got him out of this ridiculous conversation.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 31 ⏰

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Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon