Chapter 17: Dinner with the Rochesters

Start from the beginning

Charlotte smiles widely. "I see. And how has your time at Arbourne been so far? I've heard you just transferred this year."

"Oh, it's been wonderful. I've never learned in the baccalaureate system before, but everyone's been very helpful. I love my theatre class especially. Seung-jun's in it with me—do you know Tae Seung-jun?"

"I do know him! He comes over to our house all the time. Jasper's great friends with him. Theatre ... that's interesting. You know the god of theatre, Dionysus? We have a statue of his worshipers—maenads, they're called—at our estate."

"I didn't know that's what they were," I say, thinking back to the statue of wildly dancing nymphs. "I saw them when I came over for Halloween."

Charlotte laughs at the mention of Halloween. "Oh, yes. Jasper and his parties. I even had to bail him out of jail for driving too quickly. Why do you drive so quickly, dear?"

Jasper looks uncomfortable with the attention being brought down on him. I see him force a charming smile. "It's fun, mom, that's why."

"Jasper's always after fun and excitement," Charlotte laughs. "First it was double black diamonds in Aspen and now this. His little escapades will be the death of me one day. Do you ski, Valentina?"

"Snowboard," I say. "I've been to Aspen before. The powder is life-changing there."

"It is! I'm more of a skier myself, but if there's one thing my family can agree on, it's good snow. So we go to Aspen every year, in March. Will your family be there?"

I glance at Sparky. "Maybe, maybe not," I admit. "My parents aren't avid skiers or snowboarders, so it's just me. We normally go to Zermatt in Switzerland since it's nearer."

"Shame! I do hope we see you there this year."

Our starters come soon, carpaccio chateaubriand and poulpe croustillant and soup à l'oignon gratinée and many things I cannot pronounce. This place is mediterranean-caribbean, which means everything is in french.

Sparky draws Jasper into a conversation about where he plans to go after Arbourne. I learn something new. Oxford—or Cambridge after a gap year if he's not accepted to Oxford. I doubt he wouldn't be though. Jasper is certainly something, but he's also good at school, which is annoying. I have to hastily make my grades seem less bad than they actually are. "Maybe somewhere in the states," I say when the question is turned back on me. With my grades, Oxford or Cambridge aren't feasible.

Sparky seems to revert to investment whenever he runs out of conversation topics, or maybe it's just his favourite. I never know. He begins to discuss the housing market in China avidly with John as Charlotte looks over the wine menu.

"Prices are going downhill like crazy," Sparky scoffs. "Business is bad over there."

"Is it?"

"Don't invest. It's bad. Getting out of the slump might take years or decades. Who knows."

"Hm," John says noncommittally. "But aren't your assets ...?"

Sparky waves it off. "Yes, yes. I know. I'm looking in international markets. Finance, you know. Thinking about starting an investment firm."

"Those are fairly profitable. Lots of starting capital though."

"I have it. Just takes time to set up things," Sparky says. "Well, enough about that. Will you be in Augusta this April for the Masters?"

The Masters Golf Tournament takes place yearly in Augusta, Georgia. The conversation turns to a topic even drier than investment—golf. I look away, casting about for something interesting. As I do, I meet Jasper's gaze. He stares intently at me, like I'm a puzzle he's trying to solve. I stare back. There's no puzzle I'm trying to solve here. I'm just trying to unnerve him with prolonged eye contact.

The tension is broken when Charlotte calls over a waiter to ask what wine they'd recommend.

The main dishes arrive, along with the wine. There's wagyu fillet and tiger prawn and royal dutch veal. I adore veal but people always look at me weird if I say I like eating baby cows. Charlotte has ordered a la forge de tart something, red as blood. Jasper, ever the dutiful child, pours everyone a generous amount, including himself. He hesitates when it comes to my glass.

"Go on," I say quietly, raising an eyebrow. "You've already seen me drunk, haven't you?"

The slight flinch, masked by a quick tightening of his expression tells me he has. I think I might actually be able to get what happened on Halloween out of him tonight, if he drinks enough. Without a word, he pours me a glass as well. Seems like St. Barths doesn't care too much about enforcing its drinking laws, because nobody gives us a second glance.

"Dionysus's domain, in addition to theatre, illusions, and wild parties," Charlotte says, raising her glass with a cheeky smile.

"My wife was a classics major and likes everyone to know it," John comments, laughing.

I smile, taking a tiny sip from my glass after Sparky proposes a toast to friendship and golf. Wine, theatre, wild parties, and illusions. Dionysus sounds like my kind of god.

"Will you be going to Caflisch's New Year's party?" Charlotte asks as dinner begins to come to a close, naming a very rich swiss banker.

Sparky shakes his head. "No, we haven't made plans for New Year's. It's been a busy time."

"Why don't you drop by then," John suggests. "It's quite big, and I'm sure Caflisch won't mind fitting in another two guests. It'll be black tie, in this house he has. Caflisch's family are permanent St. Barths residents, so their ballroom's very majestic."

"Oh—" I break in, feeling self-conscious. "I don't have anything to wear."

"Nonsense!" Charlotte says. "There are plenty of nice evening-dress boutiques around St. Barths. Jasper can take you shopping tomorrow, can't he?"

Jasper seems like he wants to frown but stops himself at the last moment, the only sign a slight twitch of the corners of his lips. He hasn't touched his wine all evening despite pouring it himself, which is a shame. Maybe he decided that he'd be better off level-headed. I don't think I'm getting any information out of him tonight. He smiles. It doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Of course. It'd be my pleasure."


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