Place for The Tiger-Happy Ending

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M.X.E.S looked at it, confused at first. It was fairly obvious that it was supposed to be a tiger, with the nose and stripes visible. The security system finally got what the image was supposed to be and silently congratulated the endoskeleton. Mimic chirped out of happiness, as that was the only thing it could do to communicate. Though, Mimic and M.X.E.S were working on a form of sign language, curtesy of the endoskeleton's former friend, David. Later, M.X.E.S went to find a place for the doodle. That place being the 'Costume Room', next to the decaying Elephant and Bird mascot costumes. Before putting it down, the rabbit system placed a few Pizzaplex mascot stickers on the drawing, to spice it up a bit, y'know? Soon, the drawing was placed among the mascot costumes. It was a great addition to the place, was it not?

White Tigers and Black Rabbits [MXESmic]Where stories live. Discover now