Season 2 Trailer

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King's Landing, The Second Level of Dungeons 

No one POV 

Baelon was playing with rocks and said "Dragons clash, dragons clash, dragons clash, Mother, do you see it." 

In Alice's Room, in the Red Keep 

Alice was looking as the letter burned, and the door opened and she walked down the stairs escorted by guards. 

Alice looked into a hallway and knew the way to the Dragonpit and she looked at the guards following her. 

Alice walked inside the throne room, where she saw Aegon walking in with his guards and she glared at him. 

Aegon said "Dear Niece and Sister." 

Alice didn't say anything, everyone else was bowing and Ser Criston said "You will address the King." 

Alice curtised and said "Your Grace." 

Aegon smiled and said "Good on you, Niece, perhaps I might even let my nephew out" and she glared at him. 

Aegon said "Seems Stags aren't so stubborn after all." 

Aegon walked away. 

Alice muttered in High Valyrian "She's going to come and burn you all." 

Aemond said "Wife" and he grabbed her by the hand forcefully. 

Aemond said "Our daughter will be found sooner rather than later, You should be punished for such things." 

Alice smiled and said "But your grandfather and mother won't let you, guess that tell you who really rules." 

Aemond gripped her wrist more hard. 

Alice didn't say anything. 

Aemond looked at the throne. 

In the Dungeons 

Alice hugged Baelon and said "how are you, are you well" and Baelon said "He's going to come back, and hurt us. He always comes back." 

Alice said "Who? Did someone hurt you. You can't let them win, alright do not let them see you defeated, then they win." 

Baelon said "Take me home, please I want to go back to Storm's End, and run with Mother and Father again." 

Alice hugged him and said "We'll go home, soon Rhaenrya will take back the throne, and then we'll fly away on our dragons back to Storm's End far away from here, and stay there for all our days." 

Baelon said "Alyssa too." 

Alice smiled and said "Alyssa too." 

The door was opened and Aemond looked at her and said "Tell me, Dear wife, did you like your present?". 

Alice said "How is this a present?". 

Aemond said "well, you can talk to your brother with just him, alone, That's far more than a Traitor's children deserve." 

Alice said "My father is not a traitor." 

Aemond said "Your mother was, she upheld Rhaenrya's claim and would have, if she was alive." 

Alice said "Go to hell." 

Baelon held Alice's hand looking scared and Aemond said "But it seems her daughter is just as treacherous, I do hope our daughter takes more after me in more than looks." 

Alice glared at him. 

Aemond said "But as such punishments must be made" and he grabbed Baelon gripping him out of Alice's grip. 

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