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No one POV 

Viserys and his court and the rest of the Targaryen and Velaryon family was at the funeral of Laena, Alicent and Viserys stood with Haelena, Aegon and Aemond. 

Rhaenrya stood with Laenor with her arms around Jace and Luke with Laenor holding Joffrey, Aemma and Borros stood next to each other, with Boros put his arm around Alice and Aemma with her arms around Baelon.

Vaemond began the eulogy in High Valyrian said "We join the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to eternal waters. the dominions of the Merling King, where he will guard her for all days to come. As she sets sea for her final voyage, Lady Laena leaves two trueborn daughters on the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will remain bound together in blood."

Alicent looked over at Rhaenrya and at Aemma who glared back. 

Vaemond looked at Rhaenrya who had her arms around Jace and Luke and Laenor who was holding Joffrey.

Vaemond continued the eulogy in High Valryian "Salt courses through Velaryon blood, ours runs true. and ours must never thin."

Daemon chuckled at Vaemond's pettiness for bringing this up now of all times and everyone looked at him.

Vaemond continued in High Valyrian "My gentle niece, May the wind be as strong as your back, your seas be as calm as your spirit, and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came and to the sea we shall return."

Gripping the ropes tightly, the Velaryon men at arms began gently pulling backwards to slide Laena's stone sarcophagus close to the edge of Driftmark's coastal cliff before dropping into the sea. 

Aemma looked at Borros and they held hands. 

At the Courtyard 

Aemma was standing next to Borros and Aemma said "Everything is strange here now" and Borros said "I'm sorry about Laena." 

Aemma said "Thank you" and Aemma walked up to Alice and said "Why don't you go speak to your cousins, they've lost their mother, they could use a kind word." 

Alice nodded and said "I'll speak to Jace too , later" and Aemma smiled and side hugged her.

Aemma said "Go on." 

Alice walked up to Rhaena and Baela and she passed by where Haelena was looking at a bug and she walked past. 

Aemond and Aegon were looking at Haelena and Aegon said "We have nothing in common." 

Aemond said "She's our sister. " 

Aegon said "You marry her, then." 

Aemond said "I would perform my duty, if mother had only betrothed us." 

Aegon scoffs and said "If only" and Aemond said "It would strengthen the family. Keep our Valyrian blood pure." 

Aegon said "She's an idiot." 

Aemond said "She's your future queen." 

Aegon looked over at a maid and said "We actually do have one thing in common. We both fancy creatures with very long legs. And you'd know it, Mother will probably make you marry our niece, if our sister agrees to it. Wench! Another!". 

Aemond scoffed and said "Aegon." 

Borros looked over at Larys who was staring at Alicent and Aemma said "That one is the Lord of Harrenhall now." 

Borros said "Gods Save us. That man is a creep, Perhaps he and Otto might find common ground." 

Alice walked up to Rhaena and Baela and Jace was grabbing Baela's hand and Alice said "'m very sorry." 

HOTD: The Stag Dragons Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat