Chapter 7

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Gow then glared and pushed Ashtyn off. "...So you heard." Ashtyn's expression softened ever so slightly as he nodded. "...Why?" "I was unhappy." "That's not true." "Does Diane know?" Ashtyn nodded. "How'd she take it?" "...He didn't say you liked the blue boy. But I could already tell." He smirked as his opposite glared. Ashtyn then sighed. "Not good... she thought he was a demon, and was going to kill him, and-" "WHAT?!" "Let me finish... she was ABOUT to. But then he gave in!"

Gow facepalmed. "Of COURSE he'd wait till the last second." "...Why? You know there was no reason to do it." "...Because I love Sonic, ok?! I said it." "I KNOW that. You could've protested to get the rule removed and EVERYONE would be on your side... A-And so would I." Gow's eyes snapped open. "...You? Why would YOU care?" "...Because, even though you say I don't, I know I messed up, and I DO care about you. P-Plus, there's a mortal-" "A mortal?" She looked a little curious. "Y-Yes... n-not that I'd tell YOU about them."

Gow gasped. "Is it SA-?!" "Sh-Shut up! Let's just say, I'm not sure if I'm straight anymore." "It IS!" Gow laughed a little while Ashtyn glared. "Ok, fine! M-Maybe... they're a lot like YOU. A good-hearted and pure nice person who loves to help others. AND... they're adorable. But that's not the point!! The point is, what you did was STUPID." "I did it for love." "And that's stupid! You should KNOW not to make stupid mistakes for love because of ME- you KNOW what could happen to you!" "...And I couldn't care less."

Ashtyn rubbed his temple in frustration. "Look, I'm only saying because I DO care about you. 'One day, when you're weak, I'll get you-' Did I not say that YESTERDAY?!" Gow snickered a little, remembering their previous encounter. "It's not funny!!" He pins her to the wall. "Gow, you gave up EVERYTHING. WHY? For SONIC? Did you even THINK about your friends? About your FAMILY? What about all the other mortals in OTHER dimensions that care about you?! They'll be wondering where you went... and disappointed when they find out."

Gow's ears pinned to her head. "...Maybe so." "...Your brother looks up to you. I've seen it. He wants to be a great fighter, a powerful god, an- an amazingly un-selfish person, just like YOU..." "...No. Just like I was." "Gow... he doesn't have anyone to look up to anymore-" "What about Diya? Chaos? Lyra, Mantle, Lunar- they're all AMAZING! ...Why ME?" "...Because he LOVES you. You're his sister." "...Not anymore." Gow looked down. Tears pricked at her eyes. She really did give everything up for Sonic, didn't she..?

Ashtyn picked her head up and wiped her tears, then gave her a hug. Gow just stuffs her face in his shoulder before wrapping her arms around his neck a few seconds after. "...I did kinda forgive you, y'know." Ashtyn's ears perked up and he looked down in shock. "...But only out of pity."

She pushed him off and made a circle with her hands. "Hunc deum mitte unde venit..." Her eyes glowed purple as she continued to speak, shocking Ashtyn. Wasn't she mortal now?? "...mittat lupum ad terram superne. Ad coelum it lupus." A portal opens... to heaven? But wait- how?! Before Ashtyn could process what was happening, Gow pushed him through and he fell. "Oof. Wait- Gow, how-?!" "You don't need to be a god to know a spell... goodbye, Ashtyn." "Wait-!" But it was too late... she'd closed the portal and Ashtyn sighed as he sat on the floor in his room.

"...I hate that girl, sometimes." He said, sitting on his bed, and wiping a few tears of his own...

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