Chapter 4

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3rd Person P.O.V

Savage stepped through the portal into the Existenceverse. Honestly, that was the last place he thought his mission would be. Considering there's so many dimensions. He hadn't looked at the file he was given yet, but he would really soon.

First, Savage wanted to look around to see where he 'spawned'. He looked around and found himself in an alleyway. He hid and looked at the file. It read; 'Code SSFS'.

Savage had no idea what that meant.

But he did look more into it and started laughing his head off. APPARENTLY, this universe's version of Shadow was gonna die today from a POTTED PLANT landing on his head.

Savage laughed for a long while before he finally caught his breath and set off to find where this version of Shadow lived. And... save him from a plant.

Savage walked down the street and saw a construction site. It seemed to be their lunch break and the squirrel was getting hungry. So he snuck around. "...So as I was saying, this IS the hardest job." "Definitely not. The easiest to DIE in maybe. But the hardest is a doctor." "No, a lawyer!" "Being an actor is WAY harder!" Four workers were arguing about... the hardest job? (Izzy: Y'all, it's being an author. 💀)

Savage didn't care. While they weren't looking, he snuck around and stole a sandwich. He then ran. Ran like hell. They unfortunately noticed him and started to chase him...

One of the workers yelled at him, furious and hungry. "Hey! That's my sandwich ya little freak!" "Ya can't touch me!!!" Savage ran for a long way eventually losing them since their lunch break was over. He hid in another alleyway and ate his ham sandwich happily.

After eating, the squirrel snuck about and eventually made his way out of the city and into Green Hills. As he walked throughout Green Hills, he looked around at the much quieter area. He didn't notice a small hole in the ground that he'd accidentally stepped into and almost tripped.

He would've fell if his leg wasn't stuck in the hole. But when he almost tripped, it felt like his leg was gonna snap.

If you didn't know, that feeling hurts. A. Lot. And it's a GREAT way to snap your leg in half!

The squirrel grabbed onto his leg and pulled it out with a large tug, falling onto his butt. "Gah!!" He grunted from the impacted and rubbed his head, growling under his breath. His boot also fell off when he fell, so Savage stood up and grabbed his boot, adjusting himself as he struggled to put it back on, having to jump on one foot to do so.

A baby-blue colored house caught Savage's eye, sounds of joy and laughter coming from the inside as he stared with sad and knowing eyes. The squirrel ran over there, pushing himself up to peak in the windowsill with a quiet groan. It was hard to see what was going on, the brown squirrel tilted his head and moved around in an attempt to get a better look.

Yep, Gow and Sonic could be seen on the couch, facing away from the entrance playing a game. Savage's eyes only seemed to get wider the more he stared, his heart breaking with each second. He had never seen Gow so happy, certainly not with him.

The wolf jumped a bit and let out a small screech of surprise from the game, getting closer to Sonic as she did so. The two friends laughed together, smiling as neither one of them moved away. Savage slowly looked down, a sad expression on his face as his eyes started to tear up.

She...She's happy... Savage thought to himself in sorrow, his ears twitching before a smile creeped on his face. She's...happy...!! He mentally chuckled to himself, wiping away the tears that formed in his eyes and looked back up at Gow. She's happy, that's all that matters. My best friend is happy. Savage jumped down and landed on the cement by Sonic's door, glancing back though the window as he smiled through the pain, walking off soon after while looking at the ground.

Savage continued to walk down the sidewalk again, only his thoughts and the birds as his company. I'm glad she's happy with him. And he better make sure she stays happy or I swear to Chaos- The squirrel's thoughts were interrupted when he spotted this world's version of Shadow walking across the street from him.

Without another thought the god ran over to where he could spy better, and no he did not take the cross walk. The black hedgehog, unaware of the squirrel's presence, kept walking underneath the shade of an apartment building. Savage crouched behind a dumpster, peaking above it as he strained onto his tippy toes. "How in the world is-" His eyes darted up before he could finish his sentence, spotting a potted plant wobbling on the edge of a balcony, "Oh. Of course." Savage groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Red boots clashed against the metal stairs that led up the side of the building, clanking with every heavy step the creature took. The plant edged itself closer to falling down about four stories. Savage took a large leap, landing on the platform just as the pot started to fall, swiftly catching it. "Gotcha!"

The squirrel smirked to himself proudly and span the pot on one finger before placing it down on a rocking chair. "Mission accomplished." Savage chuckled to himself and smiled adoringly, "I told you I wasn't going to let you down... Not this time..."


Footsteps bounced against black stone walls, torches and red banners hanging from the high ceilings of the palace. Paimon rolled his eyes, groaning to himself as he walked, clenching his fists as he contained the rage boiling inside him. The demon turned a corner, growling lowly, his claws digging into the ground with each step.

The bascorpion swiftly flung open the door to a large throne room, two suits of armor stood beside the doorway and a massive black throne sat in the center, spikes piercing out of the top as a hooded figure sat on it with his face hidden. Paimon scoffed in irritation as he glared at the figure, his wings folding behind him out of instinct.

Silence filled the room for what felt like eternity, the tension thick enough to be cut with a knife. Paimon grew tired of the quiet and spoke up, his voice dripping with malice. "I have come here to speak with you about the situation." The demon said in a demanding tone, stepping forward towards the ominous figure, "The demons, both hell born and not, are being used as mere slaves for your plan-"

The figure grabbed onto the smaller demon by the neck, a gray robotic arm reaching out of his cloak, raising him up to his level as Paimon's eyes grew wide and his breathing went thin. "Are you questioning my plan, fool?" The figure spoke with a deep and threatening tone, Paimon could feel his eyes hitting him like daggers as he was held up, his ears going flat, "You do want do catch that precious little goddess, don't you?" He knew what this creature could do if made mad, his eyes filled with hatred at the thought.

"Yes, sir." Paimon responded, his voice low and angry. The demon couldn't get another word out though, the grip around his neck tightened slightly. "I am a KING!! You will address me as such." The figure ordered, he didn't seem to be in the mood for a debate. Paimon's voice trembled with rage and he glared down at him, growling quietly. "Never."

The figure made a small humming sound and chuckled menacingly, amused by the small demon's reply. "That's too bad...." A single robotic finger grabbed the tip of Paimon's chin, a sharp claw at the end of it as the rest of his hand gripped onto the bascorpion's neck, "I've always wondered if demons can bleed..."

Paimon gulped quietly, his eyes quickly looking away from the figure in fear. A growl escaped from the hooded man's throat and a dagger quickly flew out of his cloak soon after, hitting a picture that hanged on the wall of Savage, stabbing it right in the head. "NOW GET ME THAT SQUIRREL!!" The figure roared as the flames grew and crackled loudly, encasing the photo as an agonizing scream of pain echoing off the walls.

The demon's body was dropped onto the floor, his face lit up by the ever growing flames as his neck bled out. Paimon groaned in pain, his eyes rolling back into his head as he could barely breath, ashes going into his lungs as he trembled in pain. "You... you-" "Monster? Oh, you don't know the half of what a monster is, child..."

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