Who Will Save You Now

Start from the beginning

"Your leaving?"

"Regrettably, yes. I don't make enough to support myself," she explained.

"Well... I am looking for a roommate. Would you be interested?" He asked.

Nadia's eyes widened, she would have hugged him and cried right then if she didn't have self control.

"I'm very interested!"

The man laughed. "Okay let's start with the names, mine's Roman, and yours?"


Nadia's story swayed Pietro into thinking differently about Roman. Though stories didn't earn trust.

"Okay, well, let's just watch the news now," Nadia suggested.

"Because watching the news is always fun," Pietro commented.

Nadia rolled her eyes and turned on the news station. The reporter was talking about some sort of food scandal, so Nadia tuned out right away.

At the moment she was more worried about not having a job. Roman could only support the three of them for so long.

"Do you mind if I go out for a bit? I'm thinking that I should take up Alyona on her job offer at this point," Nadia said.

Pietro waved his hand at her. "Go ahead."

"Okay I'll be back soon," she said.

Once the door shut, signalling Nadia's leave, Pietro began to look around the room. He didn't think Roman was incompetent when it came to hiding important information, yet he continued to search for something, anything that could help him know more about Roman.

He knew that he should have been practicing with his powers, or really anything that wasn't snooping around. Pietro couldn't help it. Every time he had a feeling of mistrust or danger, something bad happened; this situation was no different. Too many times he ignored the feeling, resulting in harm to Wanda and himself.

When his search turned up nothing, Pietro began pacing around the apartment. Papers from Nadia's college or some files of complaints were useless to him.

Pietro finally gave up and sat down. He hated not knowing, and more importantly, not being able to do anything.


Pietro's eyes widened. The voice hadn't come from the TV, there was nobody else in the house and he certainly didn't say it.

He cautiously looked around the room, finding nothing was out of place. Nobody else was there. He blamed it on the stress then went to reading his book, somewhat worried.

It was an hour later when he started to pay attention to the TV again.

"Another conference?" He asked to himself. Maybe that was why Roman wasn't back yet.

Pietro shut his book and leaned forward to the TV. He really didn't want to hear what was going to be said, but he had to.

Roman's boss, Shvedov, took the stage. Pietro wondered where their president was, it was very unusual for him to miss press conferences like this.

"Good evening Sokovia. As you may know, one of our cities is on lockdown. I know that many of you want this lockdown to end and I assure you all that it'll come to an end soon."

His statement sent the press into an array of questions. The one that came up most often was why it would be ending soon. Pietro wanted to know as well.

Shvedov took in the questions calmly, not much was answered correctly. Everything that came out of his mouth was lies.

Pietro looked around for Roman but could not find him anywhere on the screen.

After a while Pietro had stopped paying attention until the press, yet again, broke out into a frenzy. Pietro looked to the screen and completely froze.

There, on the TV screen was his twin sister. She was being roughly handled by the guards, being led towards the podium.

Shvedov roughly grabbed her from the guards. "She is the assurance that the lockdown will not last much longer."

Pietro stared at the TV in panic.

"No," he breathed.

They couldn't have Wanda, he wouldn't let them have her. Their absolute disrespect for her pissed Pietro off to no ends. He didn't know how, but he was going to get his sister back and be free if it was the last thing he could do.

"I know you're watching somewhere Maximoff. If you want your sister back, surrender," Shvedov commanded, looking directly into the camera. "You have seven days."

Their government couldn't allow this. How could people even stand to see this on TV? This is something that Pietro could count on a cult or terrorist group to do, though evidently, the press did not care. They continued their endless questions. Shvedov's angry face was illuminated by the constant flash of the cameras while Wanda only seemed half aware of her surroundings.

They drugged her, Pietro realized. At this point he was fuming that they dared to do this to his only family. Besides, wasn't she supposed to be a part of the Avengers now? Where were they?


Again Pietro heard the disembodied voice. He was going mad and his sister was kidnapped and drugged.

Pietro didn't even care anymore. He was right to think there was danger coming, he was just looking in the wrong place. He threw a jacket on and marched straight out the door to Alyona's.

If someone saw him, it didn't matter anymore.

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