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Hello everyone after a long time we are posting just because we were getting too many requests but you did not complete the vote count of the last chapter, this time complete it. Now you go on and read also don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading!!


Author's Pov:

"Kritika", everyone shouts and rushes to her as Rakshit holds her and starts tapping her face lightly, trying to wake her up.

"Why are her lips turning blue?", He asks looking at her parents.

Worryingly he picks her up and then rushes to his car,
"I am taking her to the hospital"

Everyone rushes to the hospital.

In the car:

Rakshit glances at the back seat and says "Nothing will happen to you".


All the family members are waiting outside the operation room.

No one has any idea what happened suddenly, that Kritika collapsed and that's why all of them are tensed.

The doctor came out and Rakshit and Rohan rushed towards him.

"Is she fine doctor?!"

"What happened to her?!"

Both of them exclaims,

"She is fine now but did she ate any kind of thing which contains peanut" The doctor asks,

"No but why?" Rakshit says before Rohan could answer.

"She is an Anaphylaxis patient so she cannot consume anything which contains peanuts as it can affect her health" The doctor explains,

"But how is it possible as I personally told the staff that nothing should have peanut as Kri is allergic to them" Rohan says being confused,

"As you brought her early and it didn't affected her much, she is fine now just unconscious, she will be up in sometime but make sure that she does not consume peanuts again as it will harm her" The doctor says and left from there.

"Excuse me, can we meet with the patient?", Rohan asks the nurse coming from her room.

"Yes sir but one by one you can only see her as she is still unconscious" says the nurse before leaving from there.

"You all go and meet her, I have some work to do, Hardik come with me" Rakshit says not glancing once and leaving from there with Hardik.

'Isn't it weird, he don't want to even see her once, does he not care for her much', Rohan thought for a moment but shrugged his thoughts and went inside.

Rakshit's Pov:

I wished earlier that what I was thinking should not be true but I believe that I was thinking in the right direction.

But the question is,

Why would she do that??

"Where are we going?", Hardik brought me out of my thoughts,

"At the venue", I replied shortly.

"Waise.." I hesisted a bit,

("By the way")

"Kya hua bhokega?", He says not looking up

"You trust me na" I said while he looked at me confused, "Like agar kabhi main kuch aisa bolu jo tujhe shayad sahi na lage, toh tu meri baat manega?" I don't know why I am saying all this like this.

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