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Hello dear readers!! We hope you are liking the story till now, do tell us in the comments about your thoughts. Also thankyou all who are reading our story.
Long chapter ahead. Enjoy 😉


Kritika's pov:

"Look she is here", Trisha said pointing towards me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Hey!! What's up??", They both came towards me with a concerned look.

"Yaa what happened, why did you call us suddenly in this Cafe", Pakhi asked me as we settled down.

"Guys, there are so many things happening", I said looking at them.

"C'mon tell us we are here", they assured me.

"You remember that boy who I had a crush on in school", I tried to say ignoring to have eye contact with them.

They both nodded.

"Of course we do, what was his name umm", Pakhi tried to think.

"Rakshit, RAKHSHIT KAPOOR right???", Trisha intruppted her.

"Oh yeah Rakshit Kapoor", Pakhi said and they both looked at me.

I just slightly nodded.

"He is back", I declared.
I looked up to them and they were frozed.

"What", First was Trisha.
"Really", Second was Pakhi.

"Gu-y..", "That means he is back, your first love is back Oh My God!!!", They both interrupted me and started hugging each other excitedly.

"Guys first listen to me", I tried to say.

"No first tell us where did he go?", Trisha asked.

"Why did he not come that day??", Pakhi asked.

"When did you meet him??"

"Did you meet him?"

"How did you meet him"

"Does he love you bac--k", " ENOUGH!!", I smashed my hands on desk in irritation as they showered me with infinite questions.

"Tum dono pagal ho gye ho kya, mujhe toh bolne do", I said in a bit of harsh tone as the last question triggered me.

("Are you both nuts, Just let me speak first")

They both shushed themselves like obedient kids as I scolded them.

"They are cute tho", I thought to myself.

"Ok we are sorry but now just tell us", Trisha said.

I sighed.

"Do you know the name of that guy who mom and dad are marrying me off with?", I asked them.

"Umm no But I know his bestfriend's name is Hardik", Trisha said.

"How do you know his name", Pakhi asked in confussion.

"Actually when he returned my car, I exchanged our contacts---", "Oooo so now you both have each other's number also", Pakhi interrupted Trisha and looked at me to join her for teasing Trisha but I was not in a mood to.

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