chapter 3

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Minji's POV

I don't have any choice but to attend this class. First, I'll   attend because I don't want to embarrass myself and second, because of her! I wanted to see her every time. Jeez.

God, luckily she's my teacher. I had reason to go to school! As I enter again, they all look at me then to our professor. I think they thought I came back because of her.

What is her name? I should know! Like seriously.

"Okay class" our gorgeous professor faked cough and I was shocked when she smiled for the first time! 

And my heart melted...

Why is she just smiling now? I laugh at my stupidity. I'll get her by hook or crook. I smirked.

Like I said, I can also play. And I'll try to win her.

"Take your seat now. And before anything else..." She smiled again at my classmates. She look at them and they almost fainted specially the girls. Tsk. Why won't she look at me?!

"I'll introduce my name again because there were students who weren't here yesterday." They nodded. Still she never glance my way. Ugh!

"I'm Y/n Hwang, 23 years old your new calculus professor, since professor behati filed a leave due to her sickness. Well, I hope you'll cooperate with me as we go along this semester." She smiled again.

"Ahh professor stop being so charming, please? You're so gorgeous and handsome at the same time!" One of my girl classmates blurted out. She just chuckled and shakes her head.

So... Y/n Hwang Huh? Nice name.

"Professor who gave you that name? It suits you well." I asked her and smiled. She should pay attention to me. There's no way she would ignore me.

She glanced my way for the first time. Finally! She tilted her head which lets me see a perfect view and it perfectly showed the angle of her nose.

"My stepmother." She plainly said and brought her attention back to our classmates. Stepmother? Woah. I look at her again and she smiled again at the question of one my girl classmate. My brows furrowed. Push. Whereas to me earlier her answer was uninterested.

"Professor, we are here to learn calculus, right?" I shamelessly said because non stop questions coming From my flirt classmates! Haerin nudge my side and smirked at me.

Y/n narrowed her eyes at me and look at her while smiling, then she cleared he throat and looked away, "So much for that, let's start our class now." She said while fixing her laptop.

Her muscles flexed while fixing it and her face is serious. Shit. She's so pretty handsome. My other classmates protest but then she dismissed it saying that it's now time for class.

What's mine is mine.

And Y/n Hwang is mine.

I smirked.

A few minutes later, y/n finished setting up the projector and started introducing our topic for today. I feel like there's really no one paying attention to the class they are busy admiring. There's someone taking pictures under their tables.

Y/n was still discussing while me, I just stared at her. Actually it's my first time to listen carefully on the lecture. I smiled because of the thought. Minji kim is listening?!

"Did you get it?" Y/n asked when she finally finished her lecture.

"Yes Professor Hwang!" They answered. Tsk, they are obviously not listening. There's different between "listening" and "staring".

I realized, I mentioned her name a lot of times without "Ma'am" or "Professor" and we're not even close. LOL.

"Are you sure?" She asked while her forehead creased. "I think you we're just staring at me the whole time and you're not even taking some important points. I don't like that. I want you to learn something from me, and those stares won't help." She seriously said.

God, with what she said I'm more interested on her! A woman with principles, plus intelligence and looks equals Y/n Hwang.

I look around instead of not talking because y/n is slightly annoyed they've become more interested on her! They are hopeless case.

"They really liked our professor, huh?" Hae whispered to me. I nodded. "Yeah, who wouldn't? She's every girls and boys dream girl, hae."

"Including you?" Hae smirked at me.

"Girl, I'll go ahead I have something to do at home, take care!" She kissed my Cheek and left.

"Bye take care!" I said.

I looked at the glass window. It's dark outside. It's already 6:30 pm. Though there still a few students outside.

I had to wait for my classmates to come out first before I stop pretending looking for something inside my bag. Then I looked at y/n who was now wrapping up the things she used.

She is serious on what she is doing she didn't even bother to look at me. I nearly laugh when an idea came out of my mind. I immediately walked the door.

"Y/n." I call her. There's no professor in here. She looked at me with her brows furrowed. She didn't even smile. "Goodbye love!" I teasingly said and ran outside.

I laugh so hard while running, damn never in my life I did something as impulsive as that. But nevertheless, I enjoyed it. I'm running out of breath and sit on the bench near the cafeteria. I look again on our classroom it's pretty far.

There's more to come, Y/n Hwang. You ain't paying attention to me now but for sure you will be mine. I grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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