Chapter 15: Some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 2

Start from the beginning

"When Narcissa marries well, his face is going to be torn apart by his smile." Victoria whispered to them, making them giggle a bit.

"Oh, hush now, we can talk about this later." Elizabeth said trying to fight the urge to smile at Victoria's comment.

"Girls, go where ever you wish, though stay in this room. Go find someone familiar." Their mother said, breaking her conversation with Druella in order to address them.

Narcissa arrived, wearing a dark green dress that was rather extravagant. It accentuated her curves and fitted well. It also dipped a bit too low, showing some cleavage, not so much to be inappropriate but enough to make people look at her. She was looking much healthier than the last time Adelaide saw her and her cheeks were rosy. She hugged Elizabeth and Adelaide then shook hands with Victoria, she and Elizabeth left the other two sisters alone.

"That dress... it is a «putting in a marriage market» dress." Victoria said, her eyes following the two sisters.

"Agreed. And it is quite bold, they usually say not to were a statement dress for a wedding, to not outshine the bride, what do you think Bellatrix is wearing when that dress is not going to outshine hers?" Adelaide replied.

"Hmm, you're right. But look around you. There are at least 30 house elves here. Many more would be in the kitchen. The design, presentation and everything is outstandingly huge. So, they must have also chosen a bold wedding outfit for the bride." Victoria said pointing to a nearby empty table.

"Well, i have brought the third year charms book to review, since i have no interest in talking with any of these people. I'll be sitting there if you need me."

Well, look at Victoria, studying in a wedding in summer. The people here must be horrible and unapproachable.

Adelaide looked around, trying to see a familiar face. It was until seeing Sirius Black at a table nearby that she saw someone she knew, and walked quickly to him. "Hi Sirius. Mind if i sit here?"

"Yes. Yes. I'll be more than happy to have you here than any of those obnoxious people." A scoff was heard from Sirius' side. "Come on, Reggie, i am telling the truth." Sirius said that to the boy beside him. The boy looked younger than him, but was nearly identical to Sirius, though he sat straighter and a deep frown was not gracing his face. He was more at peace here than Sirius.

"Who might you be?" Adelaide asked the boy kindly.

"I am Regulus Arcturus From the ancient and most noble house of Black." The boy replied haughtily.

Ah, so he is the stereotype of the proud Slytherin. Brilliant.

"And who might you be?" Regulus asked her looking at her proudly.
"Regulus! Don't be rude now." Sirius said, angrily.

"I am lady Adelaide Ruth Winchester." Adelaide mimicked his tone of voice as a joke, winking at them. Sirius laughed.

"Oh, i forgot that everyone here is a pure blood and from an acceptable station of life. I am sorry." Regulus muttered, his arrogant posture dropping.

Adelaide was shocked by his words, but then again he was a Black, a year of spending time with Sirius had made her forget what his family was truly like. Regulus was the norm and Sirius was the exception.

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