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911 what's your emergency

"Hi I'm Rebecca Collins I need help my friends dead in her bathtub and I don't know what to do !!!" Cries

"Stay there were sending help."

"I can't wait now I can't the person who killed Karen is probably still around I have to go."
Rebecca drops Karen wipes her face leaving blood stains on her . She runs down the stairs and trips. She rolled and hit her head on the bottom causing more blood on her head. She went to neighbors doors knocking in hope that someone would help. She runs to Ryan's house knocks on the door and his parents answer.

"Rebecca what are you doing here are you alright your bleeding ?"

" no my best friend was murdered by someone and I called the cops but they aren't coming can you help me?!"

"Um sorry sweetie we um have to go now."

They push her out the door shut it and lock it.

"911 what's your emergency ?"

" hi my sons girlfriend showed up to my door covered in blood and saying her best friend was murdered can you send someone quick please we might be in danger."

Rebecca was banging on the window for help . She realized that they thought she killed Karen . She started running into the streets she got 4 blocks away 1 block from her house . She was almost home turning the corner when she ran into a cop car and hit it. The police got out and told her to put her hands up.

"Officer thank goodness your here I need.."

"I said put your hands up miss don't move ."

The cop hand cuffs her and neighbors start yelling "MURDER!!!" At her she replies back.

"IM NOT GUILTY!!!" Yelling while kicking .

Rebecca went to jail that Wednesday chilly night .

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