Chapter 1 : Knock Knock Knock.

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May 14th, 2023
1:02 pm

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The relentless default phone alarm yanked me from my dream. My body was shaking, and i was covered in goosebumps. My box-dyed black hair was stuck to my forehead and my lungs felt like they weren't getting enough air. SMACK! I jumped as my phone hit the hardwood floor under my bed, the alarm still vibrating relentlessly. I reached over the edge of the bed, still fighting to catch my breath and turned off the alarm. I half rolled half dragged myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes and,  finally catching my breath. Flicking on the light i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. "Jesus Christ.." I murmur rubbing the dark eye bags forming under my blue-green eyes. Reaching over i turn on the water to take a shower, and start to undress. I pull the curtain closed behind me and take my seat at the bottom of the bathtub letting the hot water scorch my skin. I don't know exactly when standing in the shower became such a hard task. Probably around the same time remembering to brush my hair, and eating a meal became chores instead of part of my daily routine. Burying my head deeper between my knees I try to calm my overly active mind. Letting the hot water pour over my head, feeling my hair stick to my back and legs, felt almost comforting. Eventually the water got cold, and i turned the handle still sitting in the bottom of the tub. The cold air felt like needles poking my skin as i stood and opened the shower curtain reaching for my towel. I throw on a big T-shirt and shorts completely ignoring the hairbrush mocking me from the counter. Walking into the kitchen i see a sticky note on the refrigerator. "Thank you for lunch, hope you're feeling better princess. I won't be home till late, helping Joey fix the boat. I love you. P.S eat something baby. " I smile as i finish reading. Completely changing the depressive episode i was in only seconds ago. Eight years and he still gives me butterflies, shining light on my gloomiest days. I throw some bread in the toaster and walk over to the table flipping open my laptop. The screen loads just as the toast pops up. I spread some jam on my toast and pour myself some sweet tea. Sitting down in front of my laptop i start trying to catch up on some work.

May 14th, 2023.
9:02 PM

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. The heavy beats on the door make me jump, waking me from my nap. Lifting my head up from the table, I look at the bottom right of my screen noticing the time rubbing my eyes. I don't know what time i fell asleep, but i got a significant amount of work done. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.  "He probably forgot his keys." I annoyingly sigh still rubbing my eyes groggily and making my way to the door. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "I'M COMING CALEB!" I yell stumbling down the dark hallway. Ignoring the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, I unlock the bottom lock forgetting the chain lock at the top. The door aggressively swings and catches the chain. Peering out into the dark i see green eyes staring back, the rest of the intruders face covered by some kind of mask. My body reacts immediately before my mind can comprehend what's happening throwing itself into the door. The door isn't closing...I look down and see the tip of a steel toe combat boot shoved between the door and door jam. I fight to catch my breath feeling the intruder slam his weight into the door, once...twice... Looking up at the chain lock i see the wood start to splinter and break around it. I had to make a choice, and make it quick. I dash down the hallway to my bedroom hearing him slam into the door a third time. I slam and lock my bedroom door then start barricading it with the room's furniture. I run to where i left my phone on the floor this morning as the front door slams open , the wood finally cracking echoing throughout the apartment. Clicking on my phone screen i have hundreds of missed calls and notifications from Caleb. I hear the intruder walking around the apartment trying to stay quiet, but the old floors creak under their heavy boots. I open my phone keypad to call emergency services, and as i type in "9" another call from May rings my phone. Loudly. I scramble to end the call and hear the Intruder quickly change direction towards my bedroom door. I finish typing "911" and hit the green call button. Then my phone screen turns black. " no no..dead?" i whisper. The intruder jiggles the door knob trying to open the door. Realizing it's locked, he starts kicking the door. I look around trying to find a way out, or a place to hide. All the furniture is against the door, and i'm on the second story. I'm cornered. I gasp as i hear the furniture slide with every kick. I scoot myself into the corner , and watch in horror as the intruder pushes the door open. I can see the intruder more clearly now in the dim light. His piercing green eyes fall on me immediately, and he takes a step towards me. "What do you want from me?" i whisper from my trembling lips. He takes another step towards me, reaching into the pocket of his black hoodie. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" I yell out which makes him stop mid-step. "TAKE WHAT YOU WANT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE, YOU CAN JUST LEAVE!! " I screech. He removes his black gloved hand from the hoodie pocket and pulls down the mask revealing his face. Then everything went black.

Not Your Girl. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя