Bonding with Katherine

565 17 1

Same outfit as last chapter

The Tomb

3rd POV:

As Emil sits down in front of Katherine staring at her with an emotionless look, she looks at him intrigued. She's intrigued not sure why the boy in front of her seems like he couldn't care less whether Elena dies or not.

Katherine sits across from him and askes, "Why is it that you don't seem to care if your sister gets sacrificed?"

"I hate Elena. Why would I want to save someone who I despise?" Emil states blankly.

Katherine looks at him like she's picking him apart. "What did she do to you to make you harbor so much hate toward her?" She asked surprisingly in genuine concern.

"Why do you care?" Emil asks suspicious of why she's asking and in confusion since she seems to genuinely care.

"Because believe it or not, Emil, I do like you. I don't know what it is, but I've never seen Damon as happy he is with you. I like it. He seems to love and adore you and honestly , I don't blame him. You are gorgeous and selfless but somehow badass and you don't take any shit. And I would like to be friends with you and hopefully Damon."

"You what?" Emil asks shocked because nobody's told him this besides Caroline, Tyler, and Damon. "R-really?"

"Yes really. I do want to be your friend"

"Yeah ok. We can be friends on two conditions."

"What is it?"

"You have to apologize to Damon and you don't try to get him back." Emil replied seriously. He doesn't want Damon to get hurt or for Katherine to try to steal him away.

"I promise. I've been needing to apologize to him anyways. And don't worry, I would never try to steal anyone's soulmate away from them." Katherine promises him. "Now tell me. What did you're sister do to you?"

(TW: SA, Abuse, and torture)

Emil looked down at the ground and started telling his story, "I was adopted by Miranda and Grayson Gilbert when I was 9 years old. My biological mother was a powerful witch. My biological father was a Vampire with werewolf bloodline. I was a result of a one night stand. My mother wasn't ready to be a parent so she dropped me off at an orphanage when I was a baby. The orphanage was not a great place. It was dirty and had 30 plus children age ranging from 3 months to 15 years old. The caretakers would brutally abuse us physically, sexually and psycologically. We would be starved for days on end if we fucked up even once. Basically that's how my life was until I was adopted by the Gilberts. I was finally happy with my new home. My new parents were amazing. I got along with Jeremy really well. He was my little brother. Elena didn't like me. I got a lot of attention from our parents because of my PTSD from living in the orphanage. She didn't like that I 'hogged' all of our parents time and attention. And because I was quiet and my albinoism she saw me as a freak. She would hit, kick and punch me when no one was looking. It continued until the night of the car crash. When our parents died I went back into the state I was in before I was adopted. The only reason I was able to heal was because I had Jeremy, Tyler and Caroline. I stepped up and started helping Aunt Jenna with the house and taking care of Jeremy. I made sure that he didn't go too far with the drugs and stuff. So I blame Elena for making our parents pick us up from the party."

Emil finished telling his story and he looked up finally at Katherine. What he saw shocked him. She looked furious.

"How could that bitch treat you like this?! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. You don't deserve that. I understand why you despise her so much," Katherine said genuinely.

"Thank you. That felt really good to get off my chest. I've only told Damon this. So I'd appreciate it if you'd not tell anyone," Emil said in relief and seriousness.

"Friends?" Katherine questioned

"Friends," Emil agreed. "I should head back to the Salvatore house. Damon is probably worried."

"Alright, see you later Emil."

"Goodbye, Katherine."

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