Chapter 1

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                 The Begining of the End

The salty breeze whipped through Captain Leon's hair as the ship, the Crimson Serpent, sailed into the vast expanse of the Grand Ocean. The crew, an assembly of pirates, stood on the deck, where they would go on quest to find a mythical treasure called the Eternal Prism. The journey ahead was filled with uncertainty, but it was a risk they were willing to take.

Leon, with his piercing gaze, addressed the crew. "We embark on a quest that will define our fates. The Eternal Prism awaits us, but the path is dangerous."

Among the crew stood Elena, an intelligent navigator. The crew also included Luna, a nimble and agile thief, and Rafael, a man whose past was one of depression and despair.

Leon, sensing the undercurrents, knew that the path to the Eternal Prism would force them to confront their demons.

Days turned into weeks as they faced rival pirate gangs, mythical creatures and corrupt marines. The Grand Ocean, once a symbol of freedom, became a battleground.

As the Crimson Serpent sailed toward the rumored location of the Eternal Prism. The Grand Ocean, unforgiving and mysterious, demanded sacrifices. The beginning of the end loomed on the horizon.

The only crewmember who always seemed to be putting on an act was Raphael who's past was one full of despair, Born into a poor village, his childhood was full of tragedy. His parents died when he was a young boy, leaving him an orphan.

Haunted by the echoes of his past, Rafael found refuge in the pursuit of knowledge.
Yet, the scars of loss ran deep, and depression cast its long shadow over his every step.

In the darkest moments, Raphael contemplated suicide. The Grand Ocean, once a vast canvas of possibility, seemed like a bottomless pit of despair.

As the Crimson Serpent sailed further into the uncharted territories, the crew encountered a rival crew from Raphael's past. A chilling whisper from the shadows of history, Raphael's childhood friend, Kurogane, emerged as the formidable leader of this menacing group.

The two crews clashed, each member of the Crimson Serpent facing off against their counterparts. However, fate had forced Raphael to confront the ghost of his past in the form of Kurogane.

Kurogane, with his cold, calculating eyes fought as hard as he could, The crew, watching in grim silence.

Raphael, pushed to the brink of death twice, summoned strength from the depths of his soul. The wounds of the past became a source of power, and in a final, desperate attack, he killed Kurogane with one strong punch. As Kurogane lay on the floor covered in blood he whispered to Raphael "traitor".

Raphael charmed his shipmates with his personality and bright smile. However behind his smile there lied the truth about his past.

One day, as the crew sailed through calm waters, Luna noticed something weird about Raphael. The charming man's smile had faded away in the past few days. Luna began to feel worried for Raphael and asked how he was.

"I'm fine, Luna," Raphael assured with a forced smile, but Luna knew he was hiding something.

The truth lurked in the depths of Raphael's true past. Raphael had been abused physically and mentally ever since he was a child, and in a moment of madness, he had gouged out one of his own eyes as if to escape the horrors etched into his vision.

Yet, the darkest secret lay buried in Raphaels twisted mind, he had not only been a victim but also a murderer. He had gruesomely murdered his own parents, detailing the blood-soaked horrors of his tortured childhood.

The Eternal Prismजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें