Little Baby Bird

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You woke up and rubbed the sleep from your deep chocolate eyes. This morning felt bright and full of promise! You could feel it. Today is the day a boy will ask you to junior prom. Carter Welsh does NOT  sit at home and pout. She's the kind of girl you ask out, so you thought.

"Carter! Breakfast!", your mum's voice chimed up the stairs.

"Coming, coming!", you yells as you ran downstairs to the kitchen. "Oh! French toast! My fav- did someone die?!"

Your mum laughed playfully,"Your cat....... Just kidding! I just wanted to make you a nice breakfast, honey dew!"

"Wow. You think you're such a comedian. Thank you so much for giving birth to me and torturing me for 16 years with your dull, lifeless humor. Ow.", you sat at the table and began to devour the delicious french toast.

"I know, I know. Honey, I just want you to have a nice day... You know... Don't get your hopes up."

The fork stopped half way to your mouth, "Get my hopes up? My hopes aren't UP. A boy will ask me out today... Right?", your face turned sour.

"Oh Carter...", your mother kissed your forehead, "You're beautiful and amazing in every way. Remember that. If any boy asks you to junior prom, he's gonna be a lucky guy. Also, remember that he might not be...."


"Perfect? Popular? ....Josh.", you froze as your mother said the name of the most popular boy in Farewell High and your crush.

"I know, mum.", you tried to smile.

With that, you went off to school.


As you stood at your locker, the fact that is was Monday, sunk in. YOu hate Mondays just as much as the next guy, but today you wanted to be happy. Show off, well, you. Just then, your algebra book and all the work in it fell out of your locker.

"Ugh....", you bent down to pick everything up when a hand reach down and started helping you pick things up. "Oh, thank you!"

"No problem., the boy said with a smirk.

He was a some what skinny, nerdy, average looking boy. He wasn't your everyday Calvin Klein model, but he had the kindest eyes you had ever seen. Looking at his messy, ginger hair made you giggle. How come you had never seen him before? His locker is right next to your's, but he seemed so invisible then. You stood up and put everything back in your locker.

"Thank you so much. That was quite embarrassing.", you blush a little.

The boy looked surprised that you still wanted to have a conversation with him. You, Carter Welsh, are very very very popular in Farewell High. You're not a snobby, rich mean girl with minions. You're a kind, humble, intelligent girl that grew up with not to much, but just enough. Sometimes, you could never understand why people would freak out when you talked to them. You weren't some famous actress or what not. You're just a girl, just a classmate, just human. Yet, everyone look at you like you were a gold statue. You always hoped that they at least liked you for who you are, not the people you hang out with or the fact that your dad was the principle.

"Carter... I know you don't really know me," the boy began,"But I-"

"Carter! Carter! Carter!", your friend Courtney called out to you with a giant speaker phone. "Guess what?!"

"Courtney! Cut that off! It's too loud!", you yelled over the speaker echo.

She cut it off and laughed. "Sorry! Your dad let me use it to promote the junior's and senior's proms, but seriously.... guess what?!"

Little Baby BirdWhere stories live. Discover now