Part -3

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Chapter 2 part 3

Everyone was busy burdening Harry with questions a lot had looks of fear while Draco was still pretty frozen after he yelled the 'holy shit'


"You cant be the Slytherin heir!" Hermione exclaimed once it was just the golden trio "how do we find out who is then!?" Asked Harry shaking from fear a bit.. what if he is the Slytherin heir

"Malfoy!" Exclaimed Hermione running to the girls lavratory

Hermione excepted the two boys to follow her so she had to come back to get them " are you two coming?" Hermione asked

"What- INTO THE GIRLS TOLIETS!? What are you crazy mione!?" Ron yelled

"No one ever goes in here!" Hermione hushed them and dragged them into the lavatory. "We will need the poly juice potion which takes-" she explained everything as they boys tried to pay attention

Hermione ended up just brewing the whole potion by herself, after it had been 20 days on the day of the full moon they took Crabb and Goyles identities. Something went wrong with Hermiones so she stayed in the bathroom not wanting to come out at all,

Ron and Harry (Crabb and Goyle you could say) found themselves at the slytherin doorway a minute later they had to wait until someone came, which it was Draco.

"What are they for?" Draco spatt looking at the glasses on 'Goyles' face

"I- uhm I was reading..?" Harry replied

"Didnt know you could read, anyways are you two just going to stand there!?" Draco said as he planted himself on the couch

"Soo.. do you know who is the slytherin heir?" "No Goyle I've already told you I only know the chamber had been open before nothing else!"

A few minutes after 'Crabb and Goyle' questioned Draco about the heir they didn't really get any awnsers "what do you think of Harry?" 'Crabb' asked


"What do you think of him?" Crabb questioned "he- he's disgusting!" Draco lied

"Oh.. really?" 'Goyle' replied with teary eyes treatening to drop,

Draco then noticed a tiny part of a scar on goyles head appearing he stared for a moment until he realised it was Harry and probably seamus or dean so what he did was he got up...

And walked over to Harry as he started talking on the way "course not. What I truely think of.."

he then leant down and whispeared in his ear

"of you is that your the love of my life Harry."

He replied as he looked him In the eyes

"How-" Ron was just sitting there confused like always not even knowing what had been said or was being said at the second

Draco graced his thumb over his scar "you need longer polyjuice next time." He laughed, genuinely LAUGHED.

Harry bent forward and hugged Draco not caring what was going through Ron's mind

Draco kissed Harry for a few minutes thinking it was Dean or Seamus who they knew, he had no clue it was Ron

Harry had also forgotten that they weren't alone, they had turned it into a heated make out session

Ron was just staring at them going through every emotion possible.

"Dray-" Harry said stepped backwards then noticed the forgotten Ron

"OH SHIT- UHM." Draco turned to see what Harry was yelling at

He noticed Crabb, "stop playing I know it's Dean or Seamus, Harry." Draco scoffed

".. it's Ron............" replied Harry

"What. The. FUCK!? AND YOU DIDNT THINK TO EVEN STOP ME!???????" Draco yelled loudly


I might not post for a few months :)) mabye the gl story but not drarry

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