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After Chan ran out of the cockpit, he noticed Felix was already awake as well, standing while looking around terrified like the rest of the guests.

One of the groom's men stood before Chan and angrily poked him with a finger, "NOW you S.O.B better tell us what the fuck is going on in there", he continued poking at the already angry bear and Chan just gave him two quick punches on the face causing him to stumble down onto the floor while the rest backed up, giving Chan room.

Chan felt a little ashamed when he saw that bully laying on the floor unconsciously, he was even afraid to look up at Felix's expression, so he halted his steps and looked at everyone.

"Guys our plane got hit by flying crows which damaged one of the engines. Granpa and Nikki are sorting it out, what they need from us is to be calm and praye, no questions or your interrogations. Can you all do that... Please ", he explained while still looking at his fists that were now covered in blood.

Felix went to give him a hug and tried to look into his eyes, but he just began weeping. Felix then faced the rest, " You heard what he said, buckle up into your seats, heads down and wait for further instructions okay, NOW, if want to live!", Felix told them agitatedly before pulling the weeping Chan behind him.

After making Chan take his seat and Buckle up, he looked at the others who were doing the same, then leand closer to Chan and whispered", Chan theres so much fire coming out the engine, and the jet is shaking uncontrollably,.... Do you.... Do you think we gonna die? ", Felix asked with tears forming in his eyes.

Chan looked at him and pulled him into a short kiss then leaned their foreheads in together,"We're not gonna die, and I'm gonna do my best to get everbody to safety, I promise", Felix began to cry even louder and Chan unbuckled his belt to take Felix back to his seat and safely buckle his seatbelt since he was shaking uncontrollably, then wemt back to buckle his.

"Granpa, it's not budging and I can't get through to anyone on the intercoms, the fire has also damaged the other wing as well", Nikki told him out of fright..

*BACK AT THE COCKPIT"Granpa, it's not budging and I can't get through to anyone on the intercoms, the fire has also damaged the other wing as well", Nikki told him out of fright

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Granpa checked on both windows and realized what his grandson just said was true. They couldn't go up anymore since both the engines were now busted and they were flying fast down to the approaching sea. He had some quick thinking to do, it'll be risky but at least some lives will be saved.

He looked at his trembling grandson with love and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "You did good my boy, we did good, but there's only one option for us now If we don't want to burst up into flames,", he told him with a smile. Understanding what he's Granpa's trying to say, Nikki hesitantly buckled his seat belt tightly and pressed the push mic button on to talk with passengers.

📢*Uhm...everyone, this is your co pilot Nikki speaking, we apologize for this delima we've encountered. Crows flew right into one of our engines causing it to inflame. After a while, the second engine caught on fire too which is not a good sign. M.. My granpa the pilot and I decided, that, the only solution that we hope would possibly help, is to fly straight into the sea before the plane blows us all up. So please buckle up tightly, heads flat down and brace yourselfs... From me and my uncle, may God be with you all..

Felix looked at Chan with tears falling uncontrollably in his eyes, while Chan gave him the sweetest and warmest smile he could give, "Hold on baby, we gonna make it, You Hear Me!!!"... Felix gave him a nod in the midst of crying.

Those were the final words as they all closed their eyes tightly waiting for what's to come. If it's death... So be it... If it's life... Even better.....

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Hey guys!!! sorry it took so long to update, my new hell job I've started is taking a toll on me, And this book "LOST" is also by far the most toughest and challenging book I've ever written (especially for my 3rd book) 🤦🏼‍♀️🙆🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️, but ...

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Hey guys!!! sorry it took so long to update, my new hell job I've started is taking a toll on me, And this book "LOST" is also by far the most toughest and challenging book I've ever written (especially for my 3rd book) 🤦🏼‍♀️🙆🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️, but It's all worth it, and I'm up for a challenge.
Bear with me loved one 🥰

To be continued........
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Happy Reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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